"Random" Motorist beaten to death by "teens" in St Louis

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
wow a cwp would have been nice. It's a shame that the man in his early 30s lost his life to gang banging kids. Now the will most likely be tried as adults and spend the rest of there life in prison. Where has parenting gone wrong in society???? My heart goes out to his family,no open casket for sure. I say we go back to an eye for an eye. Dress me up in fatigues and full face mask and I would be happy to take care of these murderers and have a shot eating grin under my hood. The four horseman are coming and some people like me it's already begun, sorry to go biblical on ya but that's who I am.....God Bless his soul, poor man
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Lets hope the time is short. The blood running as high as a horses bridle in the streets is fearsome. The American bream is dead due to obama giving it away to so many. Tax the rich until their rich no more. Then who do they tax?


Full Access Member
I guess you have to be black and a thug for the media to care. For all their crying wolf, it is the left that is truly racist.


Full Access Member
Back in the day MC clubs carried ball pin hammers because there were tools not weapons.


Super Moderator
I don't want to get close enough to have to use a hammer. That's why I carry. If you come at me with bad intentions and get within my comfort zone and I feel threatened, then we're going to have a "Come to Jesus meetin' ".


Full Access Member
They are not being charged with a race crime. It is time to take this Bullshit to the crapper.Black on white can be race crime too and it needs to be corrected or the white people are going to wake up. Race war will not be pretty .

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
No it will not KWO, im scared already with all the violence not including guns are on the rise in Tampa due the pill poppers, it's real bad here God save us please.
Concealed 27

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