PFC Manning sentenced to 35 years


Super Moderator
HR, I`m with you on the snowden vs. manning theory.

Agreed, Manning seems to have more issues than just the leaks. He gave up information that probably should have been secret, not sure what his motivation was.

Snowden, I think, did the right thing with the info he had. Whether or not it is legal, or what ramifications he should receive. But Snowden seems like he did it for a good cause and had good intentions.

Manning should be hanged. Maybe Snowden will be too, but I will salute him as he walks the gallow.

Snowden has asylum in Russia for a year, and I have a feeling that can be extended or another country may also give him asylum. Bad part is, USA's Special Forces get an assignment, they can get into Russia and take care of Snowden themselves and it won't be in a court of law. So I hope he can avoid that. I think we all know Obama is destroying any relatioship USA that Reagon made good with Russia. We weren't their buddies, but at least had a good neutral. Now I feel there is tension with USA and Russia again.

But in my opinion, hat's off to Russia for giving Snowden asylum and not forcing extridition to the US. Also, wth and why the hell wasn't the Boston bombing thwarted when Russia warned our CIA and FBI about those guys. FAIL !!! But, Thanks for the warning Russia, I as an American citizen appreciate it. Just to bad our CIA and FBI didn't act appropriately. But then again, NO NO NO, not even getting in Benghazi.


Super Moderator
Now I feel there is tension with USA and Russia again.

He (the one that shall remain nameless) creates tension everywhere he goes. Look at the damage he's done right here in our country. Race and religious and class tensions are probably as bad or worse than during the civil rights time period.

Look at all the random killings happening lately. There have been at least 3 or 4 that I know of race related shootings/beatings just recently. The latest one was an 89 year old veteran on his way to play pool with some friends who died from the beating he got from the two young black males they are looking for.

Back on point, He's (TOTSRN) been the worse thing to happen to this country in a long time. He's done nothing but drive wedges in every situation he could. He's done nothing to bring us together. He's put more people on welfare and taken us deeper in debt after promising to fix those problems and them distances himself like he's had nothing to do with it.

And then there's the international relations he's destroying. All except the Muslim brotherhood. He's keeping a laser focus on that one and making sure he's in good standing with them.

Now I'm all riled up. How am I going to get any sleep now.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
This whole thing make me sick, 35 years is such a lite sentence for the crimes he committed. I think that levenworth will be a blessing for him instead of going to lets say Pelicans Bay with all of Californias gang bangers, they would tear his ass up but on the other hand he would probably like it lol....... Life w/o parole or leathal injection......
I dont want this asshole to ever get out and I have a feeling that he will but not by time served, he will hopefully get dealt with in prison.....JMHO thats all.
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
He will more than likely be out in 7 yrs. And will start his injections while in prison.:banghead:

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