Obama's 23 Executive Orders


Full Access Member
Take a look at the language he is using. It's comical. Sure, he put in a lot of gun-control buzzwords, but not one of those statements has any teeth. It's a lot of bark; no bite.

I think we have him on the ropes, and he's afraid to do what he really wants to do right now.

Flooding his inbox with over half a million emails through ruger's website must have done something for our cause.

Think about it: I've heard that representatives consider 1 letter to represent 1000 people with the same opinion who don't write. 500,000x1,000= 500 million Americans who oppose Obama infringing any further on the right to keep and bear arms (I think there are only 330 million or so Americans)


Super Moderator
Take a look at the language he is using. It's comical. Sure, he put in a lot of gun-control buzzwords, but not one of those statements has any teeth. It's a lot of bark; no bite.

I think we have him on the ropes, and he's afraid to do what he really wants to do right now.

Flooding his inbox with over half a million emails through ruger's website must have done something for our cause.

Think about it: I've heard that representatives consider 1 letter to represent 1000 people with the same opinion who don't write. 500,000x1,000= 500 million Americans who oppose Obama infringing any further on the right to keep and bear arms (I think there are only 330 million or so Americans)

I agree. Most of the Exec Orders look to me like he's just trying to please the anti gunners as if he's doing something. Maybe some of the discussion with Biden and the NRA and other helped and maybe Biden let him know, buddy we're in trouble on this matter. We've got a tough fight. We all know there is many more things that need done with the economy than spend all this time on gun control.

Looks like immigration is taking a back seat AGAIN. And that was said to be one of the easy things he can get done since there is bi-partisn support for immigration. And he promised that in the frist term. As if that matters. He hasn't done shit he promised except a stimulus package that ran the country deeper in debt. Speaking of economy. Anyone realize how many jobs will be lost if this AW ban passes? Firearm recreation pumps mega bucks and mega jobs into the economy.


Full Access Member
Yeah, I can see myself getting a colonoscopy and the doctor is looking in side my b*** hole and he say, Hmmmm look clear to me, oh btw do you have any gun that I should know about. Crazy.


Full Access Member
I told one of my doctors because he had me drop my pants, and it was right there. He was cool about it. That was 5 years ago.

I have a couple friends who are doctors, & they like shooting as well.

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