Night Vision


Full Access Member
Who uses them and has his own for home use? What generation and who used. Years ago I saw thermal heat units for hunters , I think that has been stopped. Just wondering what is out there and allowed to be owned by p ons.


Super Moderator
I've got a set of Bushnell Gen 1 binoculars. Not the greatest night vision but they were cheap (comparatively) To what is currently available. I use them to see what critters are in the back yard sometimes.


Super Moderator
As long as they work spotting zombies before they get too close...:shooter:

[sarcasm]Gee, I had never thought about using them for that. Thanks for the tip [/sarcasm]. Which reminds me. I probably need to get a couple extra batteries for them for a SHTF situation.

Zombies fall under my "critters" definition.
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Full Access Member
Everybody knows zombies only attack in the day time. Critters that like to eat all the corn out of my deer feeder are on the endangered list here. Coons that sit on the unit and spin the spreader to feed all the family need to go.


Full Access Member
I have a PVS 14 .
Thats Gen 3+ monocular that flips over my non dominant (left) eye.
in combination whit my IR laser (DBAL from Steiner) mounted on my rifle, it should allow me to overmatch a lot of threats

Stock pics:;600;778

D BAL on M4:

This is identical to the units used by Army Infantry, SF etc
(Tho the SF is currently in the process of switching to PVS15s.)

This set-up is professional but expensive.
It requires a decent helmet (between $50 if airsoft unit to $900 if 2 part light FAST helmet) a PVS mount (200-400 USD depending on model) and a PVS 14 new goes for $2500 ( if lesser photomultiplier tubes) to $3000 (whit proper autogated tubes)

I got a bit of a hook up used from a guy I trust (if u dont trust the guy think twice about buying used) as a result I paid less but it was still 4 digits.

I dont currently field a FLIR.
Thats more Scout tool than a Night shooting tool in my mind (tho units adapted to rifles exist)
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Full Access Member
Make the varmints run and hide. Thanks for the info. Do you know what the seals were wearing in the search for ben laden? They had head sets with 4 eye pices.


Full Access Member
Make the varmints run and hide. Thanks for the info. Do you know what the seals were wearing in the search for ben laden? They had head sets with 4 eye pices.

Not all of them had those weird all around ones.
They are still rare and not eveyrone likes them.

I didnt know they were used there actually.

Until very recently PVS14 (from different manufactures) where the only game in town)

I have no ambition to upgrade to PVS15 (both eyes) as I like my dominant shooting eye to stay dark adjusted.

I bought the personal Unit one of my SF buddies had been using in the Stan , since he was upgrading to PVS15.

Contrary to popular opinion a lot of soldiers buy their own kit especially in high end units.

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