News of the weird

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
UTICA, N.Y. - Police say a 49-year-old Utica man attempted to rob a central New York bank Thursday, armed with a toilet plunger.

Police say Lawrence Deptola went into a bank Thursday afternoon and threatened a teller with the plunger.

The Utica Observer-Dispatch reports authorities responded at around 1:30 p.m. after two other banks had called authorities about a suspicious man entering their premises.

According to NBC affiliate WKTV, bank employees said the man came in and began yelling obscenities. He then asked tellers to put the money in a bag.

Officers saw Deptola walking away, and when the suspect noticed they were following him, he ran away. Police chased him on foot. He was then apprehended and charged with attempted third-degree robbery.

WKTV reports that the plunger was recovered inside a Citizens Bank.

Report doesn't say if the robber attempted to unclog their toilets before leaving.


Full Access Member
Not having a plunger could be dangerous. My guess is he was looking for a new address and a hot meal.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Santa's wish list:

Toy giant Hasbro is bringing out play weapons specifically designed for girls for the first time in its 90-year history.

Hasbro's bow and arrow set and crossbow will go on sale in the UK for Christmas Hasbro's bow and arrow set, and crossbow, will go on sale in the UK for Christmas.

The specially marketed £19.99 bow and arrow set, and a £8.99 crossbow, both firing foam-tipped darts, will go on sale in the UK for Christmas.

Hasbro said the toys were inspired by teen fantasy movies such as The Hunger Games in which lead character Katniss, played by Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence, uses a bow and arrow. Britain’s biggest parenting website Netmums welcomed the new toys, despite some suggestions they are a step in the wrong direction.

Founder Siobhan Freegard said: “In an age where almost every girl’s toy seems to be glittery and pink, many parents will welcome this new toy.

“The feisty female lead characters in recent films Brave and The Hunger Games, along with last year’s Olympics, has helped to popularise archery with young women.”

"Dear Santa I want a crossbow so I can shoot my brother" Sara.


Full Access Member
Boys get dolls and girls get guns. Makes perfect sense. Women in combat and men in trouble.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Published: Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Palm Coast man was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years in prison for receiving child pornography, then stabbing his computer with a samurai sword to keep authorities from finding out, an official said.

Kamil Mezalka, 21, also will serve 10 years of supervised release and must give up his computers and other digital media upon his release from prison, state attorney spokeswoman Klare Ly said.

An investigation by the FBI found Mezalka had shared more than 4,000 files, many containing titles and descriptions indicative of child pornography, Ly said. When FBI agents executed a search warrant May 8, 2012, Mezalka attempted to destroy his computer and disks with a samurai sword.

Ly said subsequent forensic analysis revealed Mezalka had at least 500 images and 100 videos of child pornography.

I think a flame thrower would of been quicker.


Super Moderator
Published: Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Palm Coast man was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years in prison for receiving child pornography, then stabbing his computer with a samurai sword to keep authorities from finding out, an official said.

Kamil Mezalka, 21, also will serve 10 years of supervised release and must give up his computers and other digital media upon his release from prison, state attorney spokeswoman Klare Ly said.

An investigation by the FBI found Mezalka had shared more than 4,000 files, many containing titles and descriptions indicative of child pornography, Ly said. When FBI agents executed a search warrant May 8, 2012, Mezalka attempted to destroy his computer and disks with a samurai sword.

Ly said subsequent forensic analysis revealed Mezalka had at least 500 images and 100 videos of child pornography.

I think a flame thrower would of been quicker.


Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Give him free tacos or give him death!

Adam Kramer, 28, allegedly threatened a server at a Mexican restaurant in Bexar County, Texas, with a sword in an attempt to obtain free tacos, KSAT reported.

Police say at around 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 2, the San Antonio man went to Alondras De Jalisco and ordered six tacos. He then told the waitress that he was going to get them for free.

The waitress informed him that he was wrong, which is when Kramer allegedly slid a large sword out of a sheath he had at his waist. Kramer briefly left the restaurant to walk to his car, and when he headed back toward the building, the waitress locked the door.

At this point, "Mr. Kramer was yelling that he wanted his free tacos or somebody was going to die," according to an affidavit obtained by the San Antonio Express-News.

Kramer drove away, and was arrested later the same day after allegedly trying to rob a gas station, the Associated Press reported. Officials say at the gas station, Kramer demanded $50 worth of gas and put his hand on "a weapon," but eventually changed his mind and just paid for $20 worth of gas.

He was charged with aggravated robbery.

New restaurant policy is customers with no shirts or no shoes or carrying swords will be refused service.


Full Access Member
Couple years ago here a policeman pull a young man over for speeding. When the man got out of his car he charged the officer with a sword who in turn doubled tapped him in the chest. His mother a DR. thought it was poorly handled. His drug habit was cured.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Man accidentally shoots own penis, dies:

MANILA, Philippines—A truck driver died after he accidentally shot off his penis in Rosales, Pangasinan, police said Friday.

Geronimo Narciso, 37, was drinking with friends inside the compound of Tagumpay Lumber and Construction Supply when he brought out his gun and fired it twice downwards, Senior Inspector Ryan Manongdo, Pangasinan police spokesman, said.

His drinking buddies, Arnel Nacino and Edwin Alcera, asked him to stop firing his homemade gun, Manongdo said.

Narciso heeded their request and was tucking his gun to his waist when it went off, hitting his genitals.

His friends rushed him to Dr. Chan Memorial Hospital in Carmen town but was declared dead on arrival.

Manongdo said a homemade caliber 22 pistol with four live ammunitions and a spent shell were found in the area.


Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Police in Georgia say a Sandy Springs man recently killed his girlfriend's dog and then beat her with the dead animal's body. Charges against the man were upgraded this week.

"This guy had no regard for anyone," Sandy Springs Police Capt. Steve Rose told The Huffington Post. "It's really disturbing that a human being can act in such a way. This is just a very selfish man who does not care about anything."

According to police, authorities were called to the Roswell Road condo of Emmanuel Alfredo Tadeo, 27, and Andrea Armintrout, 40, in June to investigate a domestic violence complaint.

Upon arrival, officers discovered Armintrout had been assaulted and her dog, a Pomeranian, had been brutally beaten to death.

"She said she had been arguing with her boyfriend. He had been doing shots of liquor and got angry. He started blaming her for his life not being the way he wanted it," Rose said.

During the argument, Tadeo allegedly grabbed Armintrout by the hair, threw her against a wall, and beat her about the face. Afterward, he went looking for the dog, which he found cowering under a table, according to police.

"He kicked and stomped the dog," Rose said. "She grabbed the dog from him and he grabbed it back and took the dog outside. When he came back in he said he had snapped the dog's neck.

He then took the dog by the back legs and actually started hitting her with the dog. When the officers got there the dog was dead.


Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
A South Carolina woman was held on a domestic abuse charge for allegedly stabbing her common-law husband with a decorative ceramic squirrel when he came home late on Christmas Eve without any beer.

The woman, Helen Ann Williams, 44, of an address on Clifton Street in North Charleston, was in the Charleston County jail on $10,000 cash bond, jail records showed Friday. She faces a hearing in Charleston County Circuit Court in April on a felony charge of domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature.

According to the police report, Williams' 41-year-old husband set out to buy some beer late Tuesday night, but he returned home empty-handed because the stores were closed.

That enraged Williams, according to the report, and as her husband set about making himself a sandwich, she picked up the ceramic squirrel and conked him over the head with it. Then she stabbed him in the chest with it, the report said.

Better ban those damn squirrel figurines..they will be the death of us all.


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