Apr 7, 2014 #1 B blk06silv New member avid shooter and hunter from tennessee starting to build up my collection my dmps oracle fns 9mm savage axis 308 also about to inherit a browning sweet sixteen belgium made and a 1905 savage 32 cal
avid shooter and hunter from tennessee starting to build up my collection my dmps oracle fns 9mm savage axis 308 also about to inherit a browning sweet sixteen belgium made and a 1905 savage 32 cal
Apr 7, 2014 #2 Concealed 27 Full Access Member Welcome glad u found us, nice looking pieces..... Concealed 27
Apr 8, 2014 #6 TheOl55 Full Access Member kwo51 said: Nice washing machine! Click to expand... And now we have heard from the Maytag Repairman...
kwo51 said: Nice washing machine! Click to expand... And now we have heard from the Maytag Repairman...
Apr 8, 2014 #8 B blk06silv New member thanks, yea i had to take the photos there cause it has the best lighting for my shitty camera phone, someone stole my nikon rebel
thanks, yea i had to take the photos there cause it has the best lighting for my shitty camera phone, someone stole my nikon rebel
Apr 8, 2014 #9 K kwo51 Full Access Member Thanks for the pictures. Some of us still have not got it down.
Apr 8, 2014 #11 B blk06silv New member thanks i still have more to come hopefully i have alot of guns that i would love to own and will own
Apr 9, 2014 #12 Arckadian Active member I have the same desire. I still want to get myself an AR platform weapon, its top on my list of "Would really like to have"
I have the same desire. I still want to get myself an AR platform weapon, its top on my list of "Would really like to have"
Apr 19, 2014 #13 R RookieZ71 New member Welcome from Tenneseee!!! Nice collection and good balance of weapons.