NC Weekend Weather


Super Moderator
After a week of gray skies and wet weather it increases over the weekend. A large area of central NC is under a flood watch. Fortunately I'm up on a pretty good size hill. Flooding is not a concern here.

But combine the saturated grounds and a little breeze and trees start falling over. This afternoon one fell across the road that runs in front of my house taking some power lines with it. Things were dark for about two hours. The power company responded quickly and removed the tree and got the lines back up.

The weekend is still young and the rains are forecast to continue through Monday. Hope things remain uneventful but it could still be interesting. I need some sunshine. Too many days without it cause me to get grumpy.

Here's a picture of the old tree that came down. Posted on the PEMC Facebook page.



Super Moderator
My brother in law had a tree come down on his property. I think I'll help him clean it up and bring some firewood home from that. Got plenty for this year but ready to cut and split some for next year.


Super Moderator
I survived Hugo - is it looking that bad over towards Charlotte/I-85 corridor yet?

No, not at all. The rain that we're experiencing is just a result of a low pressure that has set up south of us and a matching high pressure system set up north of us. Like a kitchen mixer they're rotating with one another and pulling in a lot of moisture off the coast. South Carolina is actually getting it worse than we are. They're right where the two systems meet.

Joaquin is too far out to sea to be a factor now. Unless the high/low system pulls it in as well. Lets hope not.


Super Moderator
Well, we had a break in the rain earlier today. Got out and blew some leaves off the patio and driveway. I can't believe all the leaves on the ground. What's more disconcerting is all the leaves still in the trees. Looks like a lot of work still ahead of me.

Then it started raining again. Oh well, was good to get out for awhile. Still need some sun.


Full Access Member
Opened the doors for the cool weather and the damn chickens wanted in.
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Super Moderator
This time yesterday this entire area was clear of leaves. Now it doesn't even look like I touched it.
Winds are gusting pretty good right now. No sense trying to mess with it today. Let them fall, let them all fall.

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Full Access Member
Time for an air boat, blow them all to your neighbors yard. Being in florida we only have 2 seasons -day and night.
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