Here`s Mine

Top is an old Sterling Model:400 in a .380 cal. Safety broke, I got a new one, not yet installed, Who needs a safety anyways ??? It took a bit of testing to find the ammo it really likes, also had to reshape the magazines feed lips to get it to be a fool proof shooter. Mine CC packer.
Right side is a Remington Copy. .360 cal. loading, if memory is correct, about twenty four grains of FFF, loading so the balls are flush to the top of the cylinder. I have two more spares all loaded and primed and ready togo. :Caffeine:
Lower left is a "High Standard" Model: 106 Military, SuperMatic Trophy. Worked over by the Giles .45 Shop Odessa, Florida. Has anyone ever heard of that shop ??? It appears to have some accurized sights and I think the barrel is too. The grips I think are from Giles too.
I purchased the Sterling years ago for fifty bucks, from a friend in need.
My Brother had the 36 mailed to Me from Cabellas. I had given Him a 50 cal Percussion Muzzle loader, expecting nothing in return, what a surprise, I had NO idea where it come from, no indication of any kind.
The High Standard was given to Me, from a cousin that has no one to pass His belongings on to, He gave Me a 44 Mag, a NO1 Ruger in .375 H&H cal, a 1917 Enfield that still has some cosmoline that needs to be cleaned out, then, after about a year, I was spending a few days with them whiloe My Brotherinlaw was hospitalized in Billings. I was getting bagged up and ready to leave and He hands Me the High Standard, these are on the condition that My sons can never sell them, they must be passed down, then down, then down for as long as this world exists as We know it today.
He nad His wifey was in Miles City a few days ago, He began talking of an M1 that He still has in His posession, He will be handing that one off to Me too.
I have to say, I dont think I have ever had such a sense of humility towards another human. In My mind, He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He is a viet war veteran too.
Well, I now showed You guys an gals a little more of what is lurking in dark coreners. :troll3::evillol::roflbow::hunter: