Jan 19 noon Pro Gun Ralley @ state capitals


New member
If you can make please show up! We must show strength & resolve that we will guard or rights and those on gun grab side will be voted out next year.


Supporting Vendor
I've been trying to think of a good sign...

Maybe "I fought in 2 wars for this country... I'm ready for a 3rd"??:iranmaybe:


Full Access Member
I was planning to head to Madison, but my Jeep blew the water pump today. If I can get a new one in tomorrow morning, I'll be making the trip.


Super Moderator
Did anyone else show up at their capital?

OKC had over 2000 people at the Capital. A TX couple even showed up. Being they drove 4 hours, I'd imagine they were from Amarillo, since Austin, TX would have been a much longer drive for them. Driving 4 hours to another states capital, that dedication to the cause.

Here's our local news story. I was loving all the women tha were open carrying, and even pushing babies in strollers and carring kids. So awesome. The safest place in the whole state of OK was at the Capital yesterday.

Gun Rights Activists Rally At Oklahoma State Capitol - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |


Super Moderator
Pisses me off, CBS National News Just said, Thousands protested at State Capital buildings yesterday for Guns Across America, show a quick clip of 1 gathering and moved on. They spend a whole 8-10 seconds on it and moved on to another story.

I guess we should feel lucky they at least recognized the event. PRICKS !!!


Supporting Vendor
It was a pretty cool experience... I'm not a hippie so I've never been to a rally before:rofl: Good turnout here in Texas!

I snapped a few cell phone pics...



I got this one from the Guns Across America: Texas facebook page. Badass shot

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Awesome turnout looks like to me. If you dont mind how many leos were patroling the crowd (uniformed) I know that they had undercovers at every rally for sure.... Concealed 27


Supporting Vendor
Awesome turnout looks like to me. If you dont mind how many leos were patroling the crowd (uniformed) I know that they had undercovers at every rally for sure.... Concealed 27

There were probably 10-12 uniformed cops there. They were cool though. I overheard them talking about how lucky they were to get that duty.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
There were probably 10-12 uniformed cops there. They were cool though. I overheard them talking about how lucky they were to get that duty.

Thats awesome, I have several LEO friends and they happy as hell that I carry. People have asked me before " Why do u carry a gun? " I tell them a Cop is to heavy" :rotflmao:


Super Moderator
I'm hearing that many states DID NOT have Reps or Senators show up. I thought that was a given. Here is what one of our Senators had to say. He's a new young guy and wrote a ton of bills in his first year.

This guy is awesome.

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