Italian mayor announces fund that will give anyone 250 euros towards the cost of gun


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Italian mayor announces fund that will give anyone 250 euros towards the cost of a GUN

An Italian mayor has vowed to pay citizens €250 towards the cost of a gun after accusing the country's government of failing to protect 'honest Italians' with its 'jail-emptying laws'.

Gianluca Buonanno, the Northern League mayor of Borgosesia in Piedmont, northern Italy, announced his plans for a new firearm fund on Facebook.

He said he was doing so to allow people to 'defend themselves from delinquents, who the government is privileging'.

Read more: Italian mayor announces fund that will give anyone 250 euros towards a GUN | Daily Mail Online

The War Wagon

Full Access Member
Too bad Spanish mayors didn't do that 20 years ago - they could've saved Star Arms.


Super Moderator
Apparently this guy didn't get the memo about government control.

Let the people defend themselves. Naaa......It'll never work. They'll shoot their eye out.

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Active member
It is good to see someone in Europe seeing what is going on and willing to find a way to defend his constituents. It might be too little too late, but he is doing something now and that is more than what was happening before.

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