I think there's a large part of that percentage that only votes that way because they are so scared of the far left and there's no representation for the middle(read middle working class)
What middle class is left from ostupids last 5 years. Tax the rich until they are rich no more. Then they go after what is left of the middle class. The politicians are the elite above the LAW.
There's always a middle class. There has to be a middle class for a country to function. That's not to say that the current middle class is any better than the lower class/welfare babies but it's still there.
Has to be a middle class for a country to function. AS you can see it is not functioning very well. The middle class is being divided ,surfs and elite. Most people don't want to admit they are slaves but 60% of us work for the government. The republic is crumbling under the pressure of the communist very quickly.
Personally . . . If people want to give a gift to me this year I can think of one thing that I know EVERYONE needs. Don't get me the cheap plastic toy, or a new rim for my car. . . just cold hard cash. At least with that I can buy what I want