How do shooting tragedies effect gun manufacturers?

potato gun

New member
Every time I hear any media outlet report on the newtown tragedy it seems like they mention Bushmaster umpteen times. As many times as they can fit it in. That got me thinking about how it effects that particular company.

Obviously it's going to get a lot of pressure from the left/anti-gun group but other than that how much does it effect their business.

It seems like everyone on here (and I would like to think any responsible gun owner) knows the problem isn't the gun(s). So negative media attention wouldn't stop us from giving a particular manufacturer our business.

So how badly does this type of negative attention hurt these business in the wake of a tragedy?


Full Access Member
Bushmaster is not for sale per say. One of the large investors in the company that owns Bushmaster, Freedom Group Inc. (Also own Remington, Marlin, and Savage) is selling their stake in the company.

Apparently they (Cerberus Capital) manage money of alot of pension plans including the ones for Californias public workers. I can see the headlines after the sale = "Cerberus lost our money due to bad business practices!" when they lose money on the sale of the investment that is just now immoral.

potato gun

New member
It seems to me the people that would be swayed by the negative attention wouldn't be buying guns anyway. That's why I was curious.


New member
Bushmaster has been in every anti gun thing I can think of when an "AR" is brought up. The Washington DC sniper used a Bushmaster, the Armlist a Bushmaster and the Sandy Hook is also blamed on a Bushmaster even though it was not used. I purchased my Bushamster my senior year of highschool 2 years after the DC issues and the salesman was sure to point out to me 1,000 times it was the same series gun used in those shootings. I happen to like the gun and the company so it does not change my view of the place same as I love fastfood and im not blaming them for me being "overweight" lol


Super Moderator
I also keep hearing them refer to the .223 as a high powered rifle. In the grand scheme of things, it's actually on the lower scale of power. There are many more powerful rifles available out there.

They (news media) really don't know what they're talking about. It's all about the sensationalism. Get people worked up.


Full Access Member
I've mainly heard it referred to as a military (wrong, civilian) sniper rifle (I just gotta :lol2: at that one)


Full Access Member
Isn't the Freedom group owned by George Soros ( iE scumb bag) I hope Bushmaster goes through the roof. I will invest in them.

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