Home invasion


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Shoot to stop the assault. 2 in the heart 1 in the head.Only judges can kill legally.He died because he did not want to live.

Yep. I realized a long time ago that the decision to use lethal force is not really mine. It is in the hands of the person who chooses to threaten me or those around me. If they want to live, they can make that choice. If they want to die, they can make that choice as well and I will certainly help them accomplish it. I will shoot to stop, not to kill but I don't expect them to survive the stopping process.


Super Moderator
Shoot to stop the assault. 2 in the heart 1 in the head.Only judges can kill legally.He died because he did not want to live.

This is one reason when I shoot at the range, I ONLY practice and shoot double tap. I try to make that automatic for me. One thing you don't want to do is shoot a single time and wait to see if that was enough. Then shoot again if it wasn't. Legally, you're only allowed to shoot to the point of disabling the threat of harm to yourself, family, friends or coworkers in this state. Better to overdue it in the first 5 seconds and don't even get caught walking up to the thug and add one more for good measure. You just never know these days where a camera might be that you don't think exists or recording device that may catch the gunshots and if they're to far apart you just might get yourself hung.

You'd also be amazed at what forensics on a body can prove these days too. They can tell if you got 2 shots in the center mass from 20-30 feet away and the guy was still alive at the time a bullet to the head from 4-5 feet away was the fatal shot. They can determine at the location of the 2 center mass shots that would have disabled the threat, so there was no reason to walk up at close range and take a head shot. And it would be obvious you weren't afraid to walk up to the guy to take a 4-5ft away head shot.

Not sure if any of you are aware of Jerome Ersland, the pharmacist in OKC, OK who was robbed in broad daylight and he killed a kid protecting himself and his 3 employees. He sits in jail for the rest of his life and has already had 2 appeals struck down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHshsgpsxFg]Ersland Charged With Murder in Pharmacy Shooting - YouTube[/ame]


Super Moderator
BTW, here's what pisses me off to no friggin end on the Jerome Ersland case. So the 2 adults in the get away car that put these 2 kids up to doing the robbery, were also charged with 2nd degree murder since they where the masterminds that caused the death of another person. They were found guilty too of course. One of those sunuva bitches was just set FREE last week because of an appeal, that he wanted to represent hisself in court and the judge denied him his legal right to defend himself Pro Se. Because of his denied right by the judge, the damn appellete court set the fugger free.


Full Access Member
So somebody can do it all over again.Maybe the pharmacist was not to far off.Don't pee on the bodies after you kill them either.Who are we protecting here?


Super Moderator
So somebody can do it all over again.Maybe the pharmacist was not to far off.Don't pee on the bodies after you kill them either.Who are we protecting here?

Clearly the killed robber's family is who gets what they want. His mamma was on TV crying and whinging hyseterically, he was a good boy, he was my babyyy..... yeah right bitch. Raise your fuggin kid right and he'd be with you today.

I still think Jerome Ersland should be set free too. He was denied testimony that could and should have proved him innocent to a jury. Since the testimony was not allowed he was found guilty. I think we can all admit, clearly in the video you see he walks right by the unconcious robber, so we think he's unconcious, Jerome gets another gun and pumps 5 more rounds into the kid's gut. Jerome claims as he was walking past the kid, he can hear the kid moaning and coming to and seen his hands and feet moving. He said his concern was, that the kid was laying on a gun and could get control of the gun again and still shoot at him or his employees, so he went back to make sure he couldn't do that. Which makes sense. Even if it were a dead body, it could have still be moving from nerve and muscle impulses.

The other defense that was not allowed in court, they wanted to call police officers who have had to use deadly force as professional witnesses as to what your mind is thinking and what the your body's adrenalin level is in such case where your in fear of your life by an armed assailant. If take into account how quick the whole incident took place, and what Jerome was thinking at the time, all while seeing this guy moving and moaning and hearing his petrified employees screaming bloody murder, that in his mind, the threat of bodily harm to himself and his employees was still present and he knew he had end that threat while he still had control of the situation and not let the gunman get control of the situation. He was denied by the judge of letting peace officers in his same situation testify to what is going on in your mind when such incident happens. I honestly believe that testimony would have set him free. Noone is thinking in their right mind in the heat of that kind of moment. All they are thinking is protect themself and dissolve the threat.

If they can let that criminal off on a technicallity that he didn't get his right to defend himself, then Jerome should damn sure be set free that he was denied professional testimony that could have set him free. Alot of people in OK County aren't even happy with the DA since he even brought charges against Jerome and cost him everything he owned in legal fees. I'm in Cleveleand Conty so I don't get to vote that bastard out of office, but you can bet when the time comes, I'll still be in OK County campaining for whoever is running against David Prater and I won't care what party they are affliated with either. Even democrats in OK are Pro Gun and self defense for the most part.
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Full Access Member
Just a poor little boy who is not able to tell right from wrong,because he did not have a father in the home. Not a real big deal just a women and her kids.


Full Access Member
I'm glad they caught the burgler.

That pharmacist wasn't in the wrong until he came back with the second gun and shot him in the abdomen.


Full Access Member
Rational thought does not prevail very often at gun fights. Should have been given a reward.


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So it seems right for you that after the threat is neutralized to go back in the back to get more ammo/another gun and finish the job?


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There is a big difference between self defence and murder and it seperates us from the thugs. It certainly appears that he crossed that line. Justified or not, self defense is our responsibility and punishment is the responsibility of the courts, even as screwed up as they are.


Full Access Member
Only stop shooting to reload. He new there were more and the one that was down was still a treat to him. It is hard to separate self defense from war when you are in the middle of a shoot out. Not saying he was right just saying that rational thought does not exist in a war. Or we would all stay home.


Full Access Member
If you go out with a war mentality daily I fear for those around you and I feel sorry for you. Hope no one ever throws a surprise party for you.


Full Access Member
If you don't live in an orange world you are in for a surprise.Don't feel sorry for me I been alive long enough to know what is going on. Having family murdered by a stranger taught me to live in the real world.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
If you don't live in an orange world you are in for a surprise.Don't feel sorry for me I been alive long enough to know what is going on. Having family murdered by a stranger taught me to live in the real world.

Sorry for your loss, I don't know if i could handle that. We have known each other for awhile and i think you are a true patriot and i thank you for your service in the military........


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