Hello from Europe


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My name is Stephan and i live in Europe, Germany, Bavaria.

I am very interested in good American Guns and Riffles.
Here in Germany this issue is a no go :(
Even the posession of firearms for self protection.


Concealed 27

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Welcome to our forum, we have alot of good knowledgeable people here, if you have a question posts a thread and it will be answered correctly...Concealed 27


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Welcome to the Weapons forum and I am a big Bavarian history buff. Lots of interesting history it has.


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Thank you for your great welcome here.

I see i am right here. :cheers:

Yes Bavaria is great with a lot of history and old traditions. I love it.


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I got to spend some time in Germany many years ago... I want to go back and see Munich and some of the other cities


Full Access Member
Hallo Stephan,

Gut auch mal einen Deutschen hier zu sehen.
Ich hoere dass es manchmal doch moeglich ist Waffen zu haben wenn man all moeglichen formulare ausfuellt and geld "fees" zahlt und die waffen auf dem schiessstand abschliesst?

Hab verschiedenes gehoert.

Weiss aber nicht was daran dran ist.

Also herzlich Willkommen bei Weapons forum !!!!


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