Good CCW for a woman?


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My fiancé carries a LCP in a flashbang holster. If you haven't saw those...well I won't ruin it for you, watch the videos.

As far as what to start her out on, well I think that will vary depending on her personality. I approached my fiancé honestly when we talked about buying her weapon and told her that the smallest caliber she needed to carry was a .380, and she needed to get used to the recoil from that round or bigger if she so chose. I told her as my permit instructor told our class a few years ago, "You can carry a .22, you can also carry a slingshot if you like. But, unless you want to plan and train on putting 6 shots in your threat and them dying a week later of lead poisoning...I suggest you look at a more substantial caliber."
She understood that it would benefit her to train and get used to a caliber that's more efficient.

NOT EVERY WOMAN YOU CAN APPROACH THAT WAY. Some, if you told them that they had to shoot a more substantial caliber than a .22 and they felt the recoil from a bigger round, they'd walk away from shooting and not come back. Of course that's not what you want at all. So I guess my answer is if all you can get her to carry and train with is a .22, by all means let her have her .22. If you think she'll understand the advantages of carrying a bigger caliber, rent a .380 or 9mm at the range and see how she does.

On the LCP, we don't have enough rounds down the tube for me to give you a complete big review. I can say that the fit and finish isn't near as good as my Kahr or even my Glock, but it's went bang every time on the 300 rounds she and I have fired. It likes to run pretty wet, and the slide almost has to be "slingshotted" to completely chamber the first round, no easing the slide forward. Even though we only have the 300 rounds fired, I can tell a big difference in the recoil spring from when we bought it, she can rack the slide much easier now. Honestly, the problem I have with her is actually getting her to train. She just doesn't enjoy shooting like I do. Heck, to be honest I'm not a huge pistol shooter either. Sorry about writing a book bud


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You all need to get the a nanny goat to milk. After about 6 weeks the hands will be strong.My wife (60+) has a glock 23 and a kimber Ultra carry with no problems racking slide. Farm life for 2o years. Let her pick what she wants to carry!!!!!!


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I started my wife shooting various .22's. Once she was comfortable I had her try my SIG P230 (current version is the 232) .380. It fits her hand very well and she took to it right away. She shot that for a couple of years and recently wanted to try something new with a little more horsepower. Her new favorite is a toss up between a SIG P226 9mm and Glock G19 9mm. Racking the slide for either was a struggle at first. I have since shown her a push-pull technique and now she has no trouble at all.


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Getting it in their hands and letting them play with it is half the battle. Dry fire practice is really good for them,and us.


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For a lady CCWer

I'd recommend the Glock 36. It is a medium-sized 7-shot .45 Auto. It is the same approximate size as the Glock 19, but a little thinner.


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This is for my wife lol. She's never fired a round before so I think anything in .45auto may be a bit much. I'm just gonna stick with my plan of taking her to the range and letting her shoot as many rentals as possible. Then she can decide what she's comfortable with


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In all honesty I will be super impressed if she can handle a 9mm

My wife's progression was a .22 to .380 to 9mm. Once I had her comfortable and shooting a .22 well I had her try a 9mm. She did not like it. Too much for her to enjoy. More .22 than she tried the .380. That she liked. She shot the hell out of that and I had her try the 9mm again. Now she likes the 9mm and shoots that regularly.

What work well for me was I had her try the SIG P226 to see how it felt in her had. I actually had her try about a dozen differ brands/models. She liked the feel of the SIG the best. So I bought the SIG P226 in .22cal and added a 9mm X-Change kit. She started with the .22 and got to know the gun. When she was ready I swapped on the 9mm kit. Same gun same sights same feel. She took to it very fast.


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My wife's progression was a .22 to .380 to 9mm. Once I had her comfortable and shooting a .22 well I had her try a 9mm. She did not like it. Too much for her to enjoy. More .22 than she tried the .380. That she liked. She shot the hell out of that and I had her try the 9mm again. Now she likes the 9mm and shoots that regularly.

What work well for me was I had her try the SIG P226 to see how it felt in her had. I actually had her try about a dozen differ brands/models. She liked the feel of the SIG the best. So I bought the SIG P226 in .22cal and added a 9mm X-Change kit. She started with the .22 and got to know the gun. When she was ready I swapped on the 9mm kit. Same gun same sights same feel. She took to it very fast.

This is pretty much my current plan

Concealed 27

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I suggest a 9mm in a small package, A g26, Ruger 9mm something along those lines...Just my thoughts. or even a ruger LCP, I loved mine but gave it to a friend as a gift..

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