Get ready ...


Full Access Member
Obama is going to let us fall off the cliff - so get ready! I think that the President letting our nation fall of the cliff is more political than anything else. He is going to point fingers at others versus solving the problem. It will have a very negative effect on our economy and our society. Get ready!
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Super Moderator
I heard a radio talk show host predict how this will play out and it makes sense. Have to see if he's correct.

He said that we will go over the cliff. Taxes will go up. Obama will blame the Republicans for standing their ground wanting reduced spending and minimal higher taxes. Eventually Obama will come riding in on his white horse and re-instate some of the Bush era tax cuts to the middle class making him look like a hero.

It's all about image, perception, power and control. He wants all the power and control but look good and be liked while doing it.

Raising taxes in an economy like this is driving nails into the coffin. It will cause more businesses to lay off or close and people will have less money to spend. But everything is going according to plan with this Government.
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Full Access Member
The people that voted him in are glad but the ones that didn't we have a long road ahead of us. God help us all.


Super Moderator
Heard that he is proposing some ridiculous things in his plan. He originally campaigned on 8 Billion in tax increases. He is now proposing 1.6 Trillion. There is speculation the federal tax on fuel may go up. He wants control of the debt ceiling basically making it unlimited. More stimulus (huge numbers). There are some spending cuts but nothing compared to the taxes he wants to increase. Just a drop in an ocean of spending.

I think he wants the conservatives to walk away. This will set things up nicely for him to blame them for going off the cliff. In this economy I don't see anyone in their right mind going along with his plan. I think most level headed Liberals are going WTF?


Full Access Member
As long as Boehner The Backboneless is the House Majority Leader, he will continue whimpering and rolling over. Many if not all of the Tea Party candidates have given up trying against the entrenched long term RINOs. I doubt that any attempt to stop the tax increases will even be MADE, much less successful, and ALL actual tax increases by law must come from the House.
Don't forget, Dear Leader was quoted somewhere saying he wants $5 a gallon gasoline for the US. Sorry, no link, can't remember where I saw that.


Full Access Member
Yes, we are going to go over. But let's be honest, all the blockheads in DC are to blame, not just the President.
They all have more to gain politically by blaming the other side for the failure. And after IT hits the fan, they can then take the credit for cleaning up some of the S34t, even tho everyone is still covered in it.


Full Access Member
Well we might go over the cliff with out any semi autos if ostupid has his way.He is going to go around congress and make all semiautos class 2 requiring stamp and $2oo fee.What a great leader.


Super Moderator
Well we might go over the cliff with out any semi autos if ostupid has his way.He is going to go around congress and make all semiautos class 2 requiring stamp and $2oo fee.What a great leader.

It's also rumored that if they get their way, there will be no grandfathering. If you already own it, too bad. You may still have to get the stamp. This law will be creating a lot of outlaws in this country if it happens.


Super Moderator
And another thought....Those who haven't found a job by the time unemployment runs out (what is it, two years now?). Mandatory military service. They can work in the canteen, keep barracks clean, There are many jobs available to those less technical or too old to fight.

And those on welfare.....sure, givem a check and a broom an dustpan. Why should they just sit home when they could be doing something. Or a trash stick and a sack and do roadside cleanup. If we the people are going to be supporting them. Why not require some benefit for it.


Full Access Member
And another thought....Those who haven't found a job by the time unemployment runs out (what is it, two years now?). Mandatory military service. They can work in the canteen, keep barracks clean, There are many jobs available to those less technical or too old to fight.

And those on welfare.....sure, givem a check and a broom an dustpan. Why should they just sit home when they could be doing something. Or a trash stick and a sack and do roadside cleanup. If we the people are going to be supporting them. Why not require some benefit for it.

Amen to that. End the free ride. If they want to create jobs make everyone currently on unemployment, welfare, etc do something for their check.


New member
Goodjob Govenor of Fl. drug test for those on welfare!!!!!!!!

Hundreds of thousands of dollars (a million?) spent to find 2 people. What a great use of my tax dollars. How many teachers salaries could that money have been used for instead?

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Full Access Member
I think the Republicans should repass the Bush Tax Cuts with the addition of the changes to the top 2 per cent and have it waiting for Obama in January. Then if we go over the cliff, Obama bears the burden. He can't point at anyone but himself.


Super Moderator
Who needs new teachers ,the old ones didn't work.

We need teachers that will mold our children to be self sufficient. Teach them the necessities to excel in life. To take care of themselves and their family. To stand on your own.

But is a socialist environment where the school supplies your parents buy for you go into the common pool. Where making a shape of a gun with your hand gets you sent to the principals office. Where teachers shout you down if you voice your opinion against our socialist Government.

Our schools are raising good little citizens that will do as their told without question. That guns is a four letter word and to be very afraid of them. To never question authority no matter how asinine what you are being told.

The days of developing a strong minded individual is gone.


Full Access Member
Just joined the forum, and damn it feels good to be in the midst of like-minded people in a world filled with well....insert you explitive here

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
What's wrong raising taxes on the rich..shit I haven't had a raise in four years but everything keeps going up. I didn't vote for Obama but taxing the rich works for me.


Full Access Member
I never worked for a poor man.Most of these people are above the law!!!!Only the lower level of business owner will be hit hard.Social does not work!!!!

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