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If only someone had the balls to stop him.Yes there would be riots his armies are ready for them.

Concealed 27

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What a joke, something like 100,000 people have signed up for Obamacare.....I don't think that's enough people for it to work.....



Full Access Member
Public radio was reporting that more people will lose their private plans than have yet signed up for the gov't exchanges.
In a few months those who lost private plans will have to go to the exchanges and pay more for less coverage.
Then, mark my words, the Dems and President will be on TV telling us how many people have been "allowed to purchase affordable health insurance due to the affordable care act."

I also notice lately that the president isn't calling it "ObamaCare" since the problems arose.


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Single payee is coming fast. Communism plan and simple down out throats. Plus all the illegal aliens made legal.

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