Florida man charged with Manslauter


Super Moderator
Terrible....just terrible. Why in the Hell would you point a rifle at your friend and pull the trigger to test and see if it would actually fire? He's an idiot of the first order and his friend pays for his stupidity with his life. Un-frikken real.

And I hate how the news article describes the weapon. "Military style assault weapon". It has no bearing on the story. It's done solely to make the gun out to be evil. Like this could not possibly happen with a non military style assault weapon. They could have described it as a rifle or SKS or AK47 ...... but no, it's a military style assault weapon.


Full Access Member
Manslaughter? Hell no! That is murder without question. To call it anything else is ridiculous.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I agree, he is a convicted felon and should not be around firearms first of all but it sounds like an execution to me, what would make him think it would not fire, maybe a safety that was not engaged but still idiot move. Should be murder in first imho.
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Sounds like a 1st degree murder with a "accident" story to cover it up.

Either way, hang him.

As for the sicko on the bridge; give him to the lynch mob

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