Idiot Kills Himself While Taking A Selfie With A Gun To His Head


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Teen fatally shot while posing for social media photos with gun in southwest Houston |

Wikipedia tells us: Evolution by means of natural selection is the process by which traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more common in successive generations of a population. On the flipside of that coin, traits that are not conducive to survival like insane stupidity tend to die off so they can’t pollute future generations. I bring this up because a dumbass killed himself while taking a selfie with a gun to his head in Houston on Tuesday.

ABC 13 reports that a 19-year old Deleon Smith accidentally shot himself in the neck while posing with a gun. It’s unclear how the under 21-year old got a hold of a handgun, but some reports say he found it. Excited about his lucky score, Smith and his cousin were posing with the gun and posting the pictures to social media.

The genius duo went for one picture too many as Smith put the gun to his head for a selfie. The news would like us to believe the gun just went off, but we all know that Smith pulled the trigger because that’s how guns work. The bullet ripped through Smith’s throat. His uncle Eric Douglas heard the gunshot and came running. He tried to administer CPR, but Smith died almost instantly.

Police believe that Smith was not suicidal and the self-inflicted gunshot wound was unintentional. They are kind of interested in where the gun came from though. Police confiscated Smith’s phone leading me to believe he snapped a picture of the exact moment when he took his own life.

Let’s see how many of the 4 gun safety rules Smith failed to observe:

#1 – Treat all guns as if they are loaded.

Fail #1: Obviously he didn’t treat the gun like it was loaded; he put it to his head.

#2 – Never point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to destroy.

Fail #2: I’m willing to give Smith the benefit of the doubt and say he probably didn’t want to destroy his head or neck.

#3 – Keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Fail #3: Smith had his finger on the trigger because guns don’t go off on their own.

#4 – Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it.

Fail #4: Smith probably didn’t want himself to be the target and because he was taking a selfie was also unaware of the wall on the other side of his neck.

It usually only takes ignoring one of these rules for an accident to happen, but Smith managed to disregard all four. Catastrophe was guaranteed.

Basically Smith and his cousin were trying to be badass gangsters by posing with a gun. Unfortunately, before Darwin had a chance to take Smith out, he fathered two children. Yeah, this 19-year old genius left behind two daughters aged 1 and 3 so he was making babies at 15 or 16 years old. In addition to not practicing gun safety, he also didn’t practice sex safety.

Dumbass Kills Himself While Taking A Selfie With A Gun To His Head – Downtrend


Super Moderator
I'm just glad he didn't get the chance to use the gun for some other purpose or hurt anyone else with it.

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