Feels so good to be Back


Staff member
Yes it does! Sorry for all the downtime everyone! Lets get back to making this forum a great one!


New member
I was pinging the server periodically, trying to determine the nature of the outage. Just a regular ping, though. Nothing fancy.

Hope you don't think I was the one DOSing ya. :D


Full Access Member
Between this forum and the Z, I was having major withdrawals. Glad we are back up and running. :D


Super Moderator
Welcome back Weapons Forum. So glad to see ya.

Seems like Viper Registry is still having problems.
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New member
i had no FRF, and no WF..... i did have alcohol tho.... i what kept me sane.

metaphorically speaking ofcourse.


Super Moderator
I think we still have guys on GMSB in ICU at the hospital. Trying to get word to them in the hospital that we're back up so that will help with their recovery and bring them out of coma. :rofl:

The rough part is Shaggy owns the whole damn internet Forum world so when your favorite forum goes down, so does your secondary, third and fourth choice. :rofl:

Maybe Shaggy should buy space on 2 different server sites and put half the forums on one, and half on another. That way if one goes down there's at least some relief somewhere. Thankfully it doesn't happen often. First time in 2.5 -3 years that I recall his servers were ever down for that kind of length of time.


New member
I think we still have guys on GMSB in ICU at the hospital. Trying to get word to them in the hospital that we're back up so that will help with their recovery and bring them out of coma. :rofl:

The rough part is Shaggy owns the whole damn internet Forum world so when your favorite forum goes down, so does your secondary, third and fourth choice. :rofl:


Glad WF is back.

Still a problem with JKJC this morning.



New member
Yea!!! I was goin crazy!! This board was down and so was TYF.COM not sure if TYF is up again or not, guess ill check there next. I was goin through some major withdraws, and trying to figure out what the hell was up, had me nutty.. LOL

ninja man

Full Access Member
well, the good thing was, i actually got work done while the sites were down....... i wasnt spending all my spare time on the forums.......

but definitely glad to be back online

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