Connecticut has very likely created tens of thousands of newly minted criminals


Full Access Member
When guns are outlawed only outlaws will on guns. Owning a gun will be criminal offence, and protecting yourself will be also.


Active member
That state is trying to cut their own throat if you ask me. If the peoples only choice to speak out against what they feel is an illegal action is to become criminals themselves, that in itself says a lot about the laws that are passing.


Full Access Member
Funny how an ex slave ancestor is turning us all into one again.I will remain free until they gun me down .


Full Access Member
There is only one reason the traitors in office want registration, the same reason as every other corrupt government. We see how it turned out for them.


Super Moderator
There is only one reason the traitors in office want registration, the same reason as every other corrupt government. We see how it turned out for them.

Zactly !!! So they know who has what when it comes time to take them away. Step 1 in their process.

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