Congrats to my son!


Full Access Member
Hey, If I cant share with my gun-family who can I share with?
My 6th grade Son, Jake has just made the Middle School Golf Team! This is a very rare occurrence for this middle school. To start out at 26 weeks gestation, 1lb 15oz in weight, he is truly my miracle buddy! He also love to shoot guns as well...Congrats to Jake! I told him he gets a college scholarship, I will buy him a custom rifle...or two.


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Full Access Member
if it means a scholarship, uh yeah...amongst other names I have and will be called...;)


Full Access Member
Awesome man, I went to school on a baseball scholarship myself so I know all to well how helpful those can be. I know you're proud


Full Access Member
Outstanding! He sounds like a friend of mine. She was the state champ, got a full ride to TCU, & now plays on the LPGA tour making a very good living. I hope your son fairs just as well. It sounds like he is off to a great start.


Full Access Member
His first match is on March 12th...I seem to be stuck in my own Ground Hog Day movie here in Plano...I would love to be there.


Super Moderator
Congrats Kid, :waytogo:

I'd much rather buy my kid a membership to the Golf Course/Country Club than an Xbox or Playstation.
But then agian, I'm weird like that. Game Consoles weren't allowed in this house for the longest time, and even then when I allowed them, my kids had to save their money and buy their own. I refused to buy anything past a Gameboy, and that was so they'd have something to do in the back seat while traveling on long trips.

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