And in VT you can marry your same sex partner.Go figure.
Just so long as you can't marry your own brother or sister, I'm fine with that. I'm not the least bit gay in anyway shape or form, not even curious. But, as we speak of our freedoms we have in this country, that means you are FREE to choose. We also are granted, "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness", and if taking a pecker up the poop shoot makes you happy then so be it, but don't come flaming around me with it, do it in private, don't tell me about it, and I'll even still respect you as human being because IMO it's your right. It's even wrong according to the good book, but who am I to judge? Those who make that choice can have the conversation with their lord and savior. And again, in this country we are FREE to have our own opinions and express them, so I don't dislike anyone for their opinion whether it Pro Abortion, Anti Abortion, Pro Gay, Anti Gay.
Simply put, Treat people the way you expect to be treated, and that means, if I don't hold your opinions against you, don't hold mine against me, agree to disagree and this world would be alot better place.
And the same goes for religion. If the Christians want to have prayer at the pole before school every morning, let them do it. Noone is making anyone else participate. You don't like it, keep on walking. If the Muslims, Jews, Jehovah's Witmess' whatever the case may be, they can do the same damn thing at another part of the campus, or even hold their meeting after school if they want. BUT, once that bell rings and school is in session, then it becomes a "Seperation of Church and State" until the final bell rings.
I think alot of people actually forget what FREEDOM means.