Conceal Carry


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I carry a full size M&P in 357 Sig. At first I carried it about 5:00 iwb but now I generally carry it at 3:00 iwb. It is a little quicker and easier to draw at 3:00 but the biggest advantage, imo, is that it is MUCH easier to draw when seated should the need arise.


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Say Hello To My Little Friend

It's my American Express card. Kel Tec .32 packing hollow points.


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Colt MK 4 series 80 enhanced light weight officers is perfect , accurate , reliable and comfortable ..... Not to mention having man stopping power of the .45 cal.
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ak 91 xlt

New member
i use my 1911 for carry and in alaska it doesnt have to be concealed, yeah for us, since we have bears we are allowed to open carry where ever we go unless its in a bar, a place that serves liquor and on a military instulation


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TECHINCALLY... *By the way techincally is an evil word for mister jeff* Here in Utah we can open varry as well, but it does come with certain.... issues


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Well that was the technically part, you dont have to have a CCL here to carry open, but the weapon has to be no less than 2 mechanical movements away from being able to fire


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but ...... BUT........ big butt :p You win.... this time :D Not having to have a CC would be nice, but I understand the rules and have to play by them in this state :p I am still waiting fer me license


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I am all for open carry. But, I still think you should have to prove that you are proficient and understand how to safely carry.


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I will agree with the how to carry safely.... I have seen a lot of people that think that because they know which way the bullet comes out that that is all they need to know...


Full Access Member
I will agree with the how to carry safely.... I have seen a lot of people that think that because they know which way the bullet comes out that that is all they need to know...

Saw a couple of them at the range today... :disgust:


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I have a .25 Colt in a wallet,
and my S&W .40 (SW40VE) as Back Up ......... LOL



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ak 91 xlt

New member
well here is the thing in alaska we have wild bears that will attack you for no reason unless the sow has her cubs then they will attack you for that reason, but other than that no reason what so ever and we have moose, wolf, lynx, and some other wild animals that come out and attack, and this law has been here for years and you can walk into any store as long as it doesnt sell liquor or beer, with the gun out in the open and you wont get in trouble for it. Like I have said we are allowed to carry oen and concealed in alaska since we have wild animals that roam the streets


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I see the same happens in Canada. Lol.

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I open carry here in Colorado sometimes. Don't have my ccw yet but its high up on my list. Anyways, I carry a browning 1955 .380 auto with grip safety. Eventually I will go to a Springfield xd .45 however my small .380 is so comfortable I forget its there. Even when carrying concealed on my property or in my truck.


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I open carry here in Colorado sometimes. Don't have my ccw yet but its high up on my list. Anyways, I carry a browning 1955 .380 auto with grip safety. Eventually I will go to a Springfield xd .45 however my small .380 is so comfortable I forget its there. Even when carrying concealed on my property or in my truck.

are you looking at the XD, XDM or XDS? Kinda curious


New member
I really like the xds but am keeping an open mind. See here is my problem, I'm 18 and in Colorado we are allowed to open carry in most places besides your obvious government buildings and schools ect ect. Im sure I will catch slack for being a young gun on here, no pun intended. The point of the matter is that I have been around guns my whole life, have lots of family in law enforcement, plan on enlisting in the marines once out of college and can handle a gun with the utmost of safety. Anyways, in Colorado you must be 21 to apply for a ccw, 21 to buy a pistol from a licensed dealer BUT 18 to buy a pistol from a private party. Therefore I can open carry but not carry concealed yet. So the need for a .45 and its practicality is not yet apparent, as a visible .380 is usually a good deterrent and usually 1 shot will scare off the troublesome animals up here, meaning I wont have to shoot to kill. I exercise my right to open carry for several reasons. First off, I live alone with my closest family in California, meaning I am my last line of defense. I sit on 20 acres in a town of less than 6,000. The people generally aren't my primary concern so much as the wildlife. We have a wide variety such as bear, moose, deer, elk, rattle snakes, lynx, Mountain lions and loads more. I practice open carry because I recently started working as a handyman and a wrangler. I will be leading trail rides into rural areas and plan on carrying every ride. Anyways, there is a little background on me, a new member, and some of my views. Although I apologize considering this was probably not the right place to post.


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ehh no worries... what I would do is this... do some research and see what you like about the weapons(pros/cons) and then if you are able get and hold the weapon(s) you are thinking of getting... get a feel for the weapon and see if it feels *right* for you. that is what finally set me on the XDS..... I have a Springfield 1911 as well and I like the grip very much and it is a great weapon, but I like the XDS for its ease of concealment.

Now the XD series is a good setup, but I like the 1911 for its reputation and reliability. I also like the XD system for its ease of cleaning and the fact that its is very accurate.

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