Conceal Carry


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Arckadian- I've heard nothing but good things about the XD series. I agree, really like XDS for the ease of concealment. Also a fan of any 1911 but after holding the XDS in a store, I can't help but think that if it shoots as good as it feels then that's my next gun.

Viperjeff- Yes sir, I am 18. I love my guns and really enjoy reading y'alls stories and inputs. Glad to be a member!


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I have carried my G27 .40cal for a few years now. I carry it in a Cross breed super tuck. I have lost a bit of weight so I can make it work with just a t-shirt and shorts.

For formal stuff I don't like how the G27 tucks so I use a Ruger LCP in a pocket holster or smart carry.


New member
I have heard nothing but good about the crossbreed super tuc. I am looking at getting one soon.

They are great! I have had mine as long as I have had my G27. hasnt broken down at all. I sprung for the horse hide and think it is well worth it.

I might need to get a new one because mine has a roll in the top from when I was a bit heavier lol


Active member
SIGH..... confirmed it today... I need a left handed CC holster now... I may be right eye dominant... but my left hand its a lot more stable and I sight better when I use my left hand. It fees much better in my left hand than my right..... SIGH....


Full Access Member
SIGH..... confirmed it today... I need a left handed CC holster now... I may be right eye dominant... but my left hand its a lot more stable and I sight better when I use my left hand. It fees much better in my left hand than my right..... SIGH....
I disagree...

Learn to shoot with your right hand. It might take practice, but you will be much better in the long run.

If you are right eye dominant, shoot right-handed.

You should be shooting with both eyes open, and that is a very hard thing to do when shooting with your non-dominant eye.

Keep your right handed holsters. Practice dry firing to strengthen and steady your right-handed grip.


Super Moderator
When you go for your CCW, be sure to tell them that your left handed. I think the permit fee is slightly higher for a lefty.:party36:

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