Bore Snake


Active member
I have one of these for my 1911... it came with the weapon when I purchased it. Its a really nice tool to have.


New member
I have a few in many calibers. Great tool to have. I tend to carry one with me to the range for the gun I am shooting that day. A couple quick passes before i leave and I am comfortable not cleaning for a few days until I have the time for a full cleaning.


Full Access Member
Awesome, until they break.
I've never had one of mine break, but a buddy had a helluva time getting the brush out of his AR barrel when his broke. Since then, I have always inspected mine closely before each use.

Doesn't keep me from using them, just something to be aware of.


Full Access Member
I use them in 22 caliber and 30 caliber, great for quick cleaning, but every so often you will need to scrub it out.


Full Access Member
Best thing in the world for a .22 pistol, especially a Ruger :waytogo: Much easier then taking that thing apart all the time.


Full Access Member
I also really like them for shotguns. I do a lot of patterning for turkey and waterfowl. A bore snake at the range can really help get the plastic out when needed.


Full Access Member
I have 2, love both. Makes quick cleaning easy when I'm not ready for a full breakdown

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