Back in the old days.......


Super Moderator
You could get 50 rounds of .22lr for $1.55. Believe it or not. Cue the song "Memories".



Full Access Member
Yeah, I remember buying 22 rimfire for $2 per 100 box.

But then, at that time my father earned $500 a week as a business owner and supported 5 boys on it.:boxed:


Super Moderator
You could go to your local Western Auto store and buy a gun without a background check or any paperwork.

Television was Black & White. And you were lucky if your house had a window unit air conditioner.


Full Access Member
Well, we had "mostly" color TVs. We had color TVs in the living room and rec room. But the one in the back room was black and white....which, as the youngest kid, I often got stuck with watching. Of course we only had 4 channels, (NBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS)

I did buy my first gun a Pamida store, haven't seen one of those in a long time.

I remember buying 1000 round cases of Lake City 5.56mm ammo for $120.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
My Dad bought me my first .22 rifle..a bolt-action Marlin with a five round magazine thru Herters catalog..arrived via Post Office a few weeks later. We use to spend a lot of Sunday's at the old coal pit shooting it..I am sure ammo was around two bucks a box. Use to help him tune-up of that old Dodge Monocco on emissions, no plastic crap either...when was the last time you saw a dwell meter or a timing light??..lowest I remember gas was around .25 cents for leaded regular in 1970. No cable tv, no cellphones, no computers but we were more happy than today.


Active member
I wish ammo was that cheap still, but even with that I am not naïve enough to think that the price is going to go dawn anytime soon. If the government gets their way, the price will climb until the average man cannot afford it and that will be one way to disarm the public. Only the government would have the money to buy the rounds.


Full Access Member
Remember when Sears carried guns? You could order straight out of the catalog or off the rack in the store. My cheapest .22LR memory is $9.99/brick of 500.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I use to go duck hunting back in the early 70's actually not far from where I live now..acres and acres of wetlands and few hunters. Within ten years they dried up most of the wetlands to built ugly warehouses, drab apartment buildings and of course track housing spread across the hills. A duck stamp was like $3.00 and a box of 12 gage shells was around $ shotgun I got for Xmas was a Remington pump..I think my Dad paid about $90 for it, once again ordered it thru Herter's permits and no background check.


Full Access Member
I'm a bit younger than you Sarg. But I know what you mean.
We used to fill our bag of bunnies in what is now an industrial park.

A few years ago I was scouting for places to grouse hunt a few hours north, places we had great hunting when I was in high school and college. What used to be great woodland forest is now scores of 5 acre plots with no trees and houses in the middle of green grass and pavement.

Why move to the country only to cut down the trees and mow the lawn to make it look like the city? I don't get it.

I also vividly remember walking across town to the hardware store to buy 22 ammo when I was in my early teens. If we were going hunting we would often carry the cased guns right into the store with us. The dog had to stay outside, but the guns didn't raise an eyebrow


Full Access Member
Don't by a uncased BB gun at Walmart. It is to bad when it is cheaper to by meat at the store than it is to hunt it.

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