Anyone remember Luby's Massacre in Kileen, TX?


Super Moderator
October of 91 Suzanna Hupp's parents were killed in that massacre. It was the biggest massacre of 23 killed +1 more for the idiot who did it in America until the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007.

Points to Note: This Massacre was NOT done with Assault Weapons or AR-15's or AK-47's etc, it was done with a Glock 17 and Ruger P89.
Thanks to Suzanna Hupp, TX voted in the CCW bill and signed by then Gov G. Dubya Bush and became law in 95.
Suzanna Hupp later in 96, was voted into District 54 TX House of Reps and served from 1997-2007.

This video is her trying to prevent the 94 Gun Ban, long before she got into her political career. And you think 1 person can't make a difference??? She damn sure did. I love this video of her testimony. Although it did no good. We still got the 94 Ban or both "Assault Weapons" and Hi Cap Mags. Love how she points at Vegetable James Brady and says he got shot with a .22 Revolver.



Full Access Member
Her testimony did do good. This is one of the reasons that Texas now has a Concealed Carry law...


New member
That is one of the most stirring videos I have ever seen. I remember when the shooting happened and all the anti-gunners started their "ban assault weapons" BS.


Super Moderator
Her testimony did do good. This is one of the reasons that Texas now has a Concealed Carry law...

You're right in that sense. And then other states also jumped on board too. So yeah, I give many kudos to her. What I meant it did no good, was to the Fed pussies !!! Reagan didn't even want the ban and it this Ban was referred to as the Brady Bill for James Brady who was shot with a .22 Revolver by John Hinkley who was crazy in love with Jodi Foster and was trying to impress her by killing the President. Brady was paralyzed for the shot he took protecting Reagan. That ban made NO SENSE whatsover. Not a frggin bit of sense.

This happens to be some say they are going to do the same ban, but the ban will be on sterioids cuz it didn't work. Hell NO it didn't work because it made no sense and pointless, and no ban is going to work.

But yes, Suzanna Hupp is a gun owners hero without doubt.
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Full Access Member
quick question to all, how many on here have ran for office or been politically invoolved like Ms. Hupp? NRA, GOA and other assoc are not what I am looking for....


Full Access Member
I may have to come visit you in OKC whilest I am in Dallas check out the sqbody! I have a old friend in OKC I may come visit.


Super Moderator
I may have to come visit you in OKC whilest I am in Dallas check out the sqbody! I have a old friend in OKC I may come visit.

Neither of mine are worth seeing yet. Maybe this year. Who knows. I have some surgeries I need done and then I can hopefully get back into better physical and financial condition.


Full Access Member
Nut case with a gun can only be stopped by a good guy with a gun. A clay-more may have worked. Train for the worst and hope for the best.


Pelosi....... Obummer..... Reid



Super Moderator
Alex Jones ( had her on his show today. She's a strong woman. She told the story of the shooting. Saw her father get mortally wounded with a shot to the chest. Tried to get her mother out the back of the diner but her mother stayed to comfort her husband only to be shot in the head.

She was a proponent of concealed carry. She had been carrying illegally but on this occasion left her gun in the car. It was right out in the parking lot but she couldn't get to it. The field would have been leveled greatly if she had had it with her.


Super Moderator
Alex Jones ( had her on his show today. She's a strong woman. She told the story of the shooting. Saw her father get mortally wounded with a shot to the chest. Tried to get her mother out the back of the diner but her mother stayed to comfort her husband only to be shot in the head.

She was a proponent of concealed carry. She had been carrying illegally but on this occasion left her gun in the car. It was right out in the parking lot but she couldn't get to it. The field would have been leveled greatly if she had had it with her.

Yep. As said above, Thanks to her, TX and other states who followed suit legalized CCW.

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