Another local shooting in my area

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
When it's not a black on white crime or vice versa it seems to not get coverage. I know that area well and it's an overpass over a walking and bike riding trail that goes all around pinellas county..... the police patrol it on horses and they are talking bout starting a cc cameras on the trail.
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Crap like that is why I nearly always have on of these just under my shirt and fully loaded with one in the chamber.



Active member
Notice how when it is a white on black crime there are more paragraphs than just part or 2. This is sad when violence that is not sensational and wont cause an uproar is swept under the rug because "Well this story just wont get the rating we are after and our own political machine cannot process white on white crime at this time"


Full Access Member
Crime reports are different for each area. Here in Gainesville a football player can get away with rape if he is good and most crime is not made public.Who would send their kids to a school with high crime? I think all schools have high crime it is just under reported.

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