A round in the chamber of a Glock 36


New member
You might consider something like this. It's small but guards the trigger and you can still use the clip that you already have.


What is this trigger guard called (if not trigger guard), who makes it and where is it available


New member
SilverSRT. Twice I've tried to ask where this trigger guard is available from, who makes it. Both times it has been blocked by the moderator. I guess I can't quote when there's a picture involved. Kinda screwy isn't.
So I'll ask the question without the picture.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
if there is not one in the chamber and your not carrying your 380 as a bug u might as well leave 36 at home. I have a friend who freaks out about having one in the chamber wo a saftey so he sold it and got a gun with a safety. I have carried glocks for a long time but never wo one in the chamber you just have to remember its like any other gun unless u pull the trigger, it will not go off... if you plan on getting rid of it let me know please but i would not if i were you its a great carry gun brother......take care and maybe carry at a different position, I carry @ 4-430 strong side..jmho
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
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New member
if there is not one in the chamber and your not carrying your 380 as a bug u might as well leave 36 at home. I have a friend who freaks out about having one in the chamber wo a saftey so he sold it and got a gun with a safety. I have carried glocks for a long time but never wo one in the chamber you just have to remember its like any other gun unless u pull the trigger, it will not go off... if you plan on getting rid of it let me know please but i would not if i were you its a great carry gun brother......take care and maybe carry at a different position, I carry @ 4-430 strong side..jmho
Concealed 27
4-4:30 Is that clock position? That way if it goes off you only shoot off your butt cheek:laughing1:

I don't really plan on getting rid of it. If anything, I'll add to it (1911)

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
yes, that is correct... I think with a good holster you will be fine...like someone said crossbreed holsters are a little pricey but for the money its great. I don't recommend that u carry with the clip because drawing your weapon is going to come down to muscle memory, u will have so much going on you want the draw of your weapon to be consistant so if you ever need to its quick and you don't shoot yourself on accident......
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
glock trigger block safty - Bing Images This is also something you may be interested. Con-trey to what all have said here the Israel Army has trained to draw and rack slide to charge weapon for years. I carry often with a belt clip and if gun has no external safety it is in condition 2. I can still present in 1.5 seconds and have rounds down range. Also Masad carries 22 's for airplane carry.I do carry carry condition 1 with a holster and trigger covered. I use the clip for boot carry mostly. Ask a combat vet if he carried a safe weapon on patrol. Lots of friendly fire AD and some not so friendly frags. It is how you train and condition 1 is most ready! to go off.


New member
Well, I took the metal clip off the slide and went back to the holster. I have to admit it does feel more comfortable. I've had it on while working around the garage and it didn't bother me at all. I do have one in the chamber now, I just have to recondition my mind that it's got one there. I've spent the last few months thinking "empty chamber"

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Well, I took the metal clip off the slide and went back to the holster. I have to admit it does feel more comfortable. I've had it on while working around the garage and it didn't bother me at all. I do have one in the chamber now, I just have to recondition my mind that it's got one there. I've spent the last few months thinking "empty chamber"

Glad to hear post a picture of what holster your carrying and were your strapping it at, you said 12 oclock but lets see it please....concealed 27


New member
Glad to hear post a picture of what holster your carrying and were your strapping it at, you said 12 oclock but lets see it please....concealed 27

Got your post last night(email notification), but couldn't open the site. I'm not sure I can post any pictures. I had trouble with moderator approval with I was just quoting a picture. I'll try later today. I don't remember saying I carry it at 12 o'clock. It's always on my right hip and fits just under my rib cage. Untucked shirt hangs straight down.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
OK my mistake contact viper Jeff and he can help you with picture problem, when I first got on site I had problems posting pics and he helped me out, you can search for him under members and send him a pm...I wish i could help you but I'm not an administrater.....
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
I think you have to have a certain number of posts before you can post pics but I don't know what the magic number is. Somewhere between 20 and 20,000.


New member
Good info in here fellas. As someone looking for an appropriate (for me) CC, there are a bunch of valid points. Personally, I think it's sketchy keeping a round chambered with only a trigger safety. Might be steering myself towards a sig with double action while the first round is chambered.

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