1911's... Let's see em...


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Everything I own is for sale all the time. You may not like the price on that particular item though :rape:


Full Access Member
I was told by another member here to start out with a RIA 1911. It's a good gun for the money

They are. They look good on the outside but look like a trained monkey chiseled out the guts...but damn, they always go bang. Not the most accurate things in the world due to the way they are made, but they make excellent truck/camp/woods guns if you want a big bore on your hip while out in the suck. I had a Charles Daly EFS 5" (essentially the same thing as an RIA tactical, both made by Armscor), and it never hiccuped the whole time I owned it.

Here's my daily work piece, a 5" Sig TacOps, traditional 1911 slide cut:

500+ through it with no malfunctions either...and it's a hell of a alot more accurate than my EFS ever was.


Full Access Member
^^^ Very nice. I've read quite a few guys have put hundreads of rounds down range without any malfunctions with their Sigs


Full Access Member
Thanks fellas. :D

I believe in the concept of the "working" 1911. It's a tool that I use every day, that I have to stake my life on. I don't need or want bling.
The TacOps is the perfect combo of class, reliability, and accuracy IMO. Magwell to help speed up mag changes, nice ErgoXT grips, unobtrusive ambi thumb safety so I can use the gun with my off hand should I need to, really nice night sights, and a rail for a light (which I use, obviously). Very well fitted, but not too tight, and very high quality parts used. I paid $920 for that gun and it's been nothing but reliable. Why pay more? Nobody should have to pay $3000 to get a duty-reliable 1911. Sig has bridged that gap IMO, and in a big way.


New member

My SW1911 billboard model (only model they had when I bought it). Had my smith remove the bill board lettering on the side.

He also hand cut the vertical serrations into a more aggressive 25lpi serrations for me.

Added a mag well and blended it.
He did a trigger job, throated the barrel and cleaned up the slide to frame fit. I run this guy with SWC every other weekend and no hiccups really love this gun. I asked about a new barrel and new sights and his response was is it accurate? Yes. Then leave it alone. That's good CS not sellin me something i don't need.

I paid 750 for the gun and another 4-500 for the work (the serrations are expensive due to time and tooling loss) and I'd carry this for duty in a heart beat. However I can't so I carry my sig 229 (great gun too).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Full Access Member
Dang, I gotta get some pics of my new Sig 1911 Nitron Carry....but, until then, here's the Kimber Pro Carry II:



Pachmayr grips on it, also have some really nice custom cocobolo grips in the second picture. One thing I don't like about the Kimber is there is no front checkering, which is why I got the rubberized grip. The Sig has super grippy front and back straps....I love it the way it is. Will post pics of that one when I can.


New member
Well I will try this for a first post on here......

Kimber Stainless .45

Kimber .45 , It is Clackamas marked with a 24xx serial number.

Kimber Eclipse II 10mm

Springfield Armory TRP Stainless .45

All of the 1911s above are wearing one version or another of Larry Davidsons MonkeyGrips.

I have a couple more that I need to get pictures of a full size Kimber CDP II .45 and full size Kimber Aegis II 9mm , I will get them posted when I get the pictures :)

End first post :)

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