Guess my point is that there's still a lot of parents out there teaching their kids to not be a bunch of leaches to society that can't stand up for themselves nor their beliefs.
I certainly hope you're right. But statistics concerning welfare paint a different picture. People are signing up for food stamp etc. in record numbers. There are solicitors out there trying to get as many people signed up as possible.
I may be wrong and hope I am but as I see it, it's all political. The more people the liberal government can get to be dependent on them, the more likely the liberal government will stay in power. Once they can get someone on the gravy train, all they have to say is if you vote for the other guy all this goes away. If you vote for us you get to keep it. Most people, if they're comfortable, won't shoot themselves in the foot. They don't care about the big picture and what it's doing to the country. Just how it affects them.