Search results

  1. Humvee21

    Marine stops man from brutal attack

    Stuff like this doesn't happen in their "world". They live in a world with fairies and float around on fluffy little clouds so they don't hurt themselves when they fall.
  2. Humvee21

    Gun Giveaway!

    Nice giveaway! I just did the facebook thing. Hope I win!
  3. Humvee21

    Deal for someone...

    Nice find. I saw midway had some 9mm for $14.99 for 50 rounds. Not sure how much shipping is since I didn't buy any.
  4. Humvee21

    holster strap

    Kill it with fire! I'm scared to click on the link...
  5. Humvee21

    Do you CC when riding your motorcycle?

    I appreciate all the great input. Unfortunately, my plans to ride on the street have fell through and I am sticking to off road. I would still like to carry while on the trails, but points mentioned by Mockstar and Silver-Bolt really dissuades me from doing so.
  6. Humvee21

    Do you CC when riding your motorcycle?

    Thinking about getting a bike. Just curious how many of you CC when riding. If you don't mind sharing how you do it, please do!
  7. Humvee21

    Sex for Ammo

    Her response to that must have been priceless!
  8. Humvee21

    Favorite Carry Position

    It does actually. It's a Remora no clip holster. I also have a IWB holster that is Beretta officially licensed and that one does not cover the barrel. I have stopped using that one ever since I got the Remora. I have learned to deal with the hip-3rd-leg as I am not willing to consider a smaller...
  9. Humvee21

    Favorite Carry Position

    I have it canted all the way. It's an IWB and if I could cant it anymore the barrel of my Beretta would be ripping out of my butt pockets
  10. Humvee21

    Favorite Carry Position

    How do those of you that carry in the 3 to 4 o'clock position prevent the butt of the gun from protruding while sitting? I can't seem to figure it out... It looks fine standing but if I bend over or sit down it looks like I have a 3rd leg coming out the back of my hip.
  11. Humvee21

    What Did I Win?

    Ah! Something I left out. Yeah, don't mess with the recoil buffer. It's not removable. I clean it by just scrubbing with a dry toothbrush and then wiping it down with a clean towel. Usually there's not much grime in there.
  12. Humvee21

    What Did I Win?

    Glad you like it! I love my 92A1. Okay, so the differences between a 96A1 and the others. The 96A1 has a recoil buffer, which is the blue thing on the inside of your frame. This was designed to allow the frame a longer life and also further diminish recoil. This recoil buffer was specifically...
  13. Humvee21

    What Did I Win?

    Wow, you lucky bastard! The question about the Beretta 96... The diff. between that and a 92 is the caliber. The 96 is .40 and the 92 is 9mm. Everything else is the same. Did you get a 96 Brigadier, 96A1, etc.? I can tell you more about it if you know the model. And WTH.. Where's the pics?
  14. Humvee21

    Night Sights

    $59 night sights? The cheapest for my Beretta 92 is $100 :(
  15. Humvee21

    Self Defense rounds same price as Target rounds

    To be honest, I haven't heard much about white box ammo other than the winchester white box plinking ammo that everyone says is extremely dirty. I wouldn't worry too much about getting the white box, just get the standard HST ammo like in the picture I posted in the first page. You're only...
  16. Humvee21

    Biden says buy a shotgun

    Biden is a prime example of why abortion needs to stay legal...
  17. Humvee21

    Self Defense rounds same price as Target rounds

    They're the actual Self Defense rounds that say "Law Enforcement" on them. Looks like this
  18. Humvee21

    Self Defense rounds same price as Target rounds

    No problem! It's a good site and great deal!
  19. Humvee21

    Few new guns at the range today

    I ALWAYS have this regret haha
  20. Humvee21

    Few new guns at the range today

    Looks like fun! Wish I had ammo to go to the range today