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    I wonder if this survivalist mindset would be here had BHO been thrown out of office in the last election?
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    First Senate Gun Debate Today on CSPAN

    San Diego used to be my favorite city.
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    Nano thermite

    What the heck is nano thermite?
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    "I Will Take My Uniform Off and Stand with Freedom"

    We would never see the UN thugs here in VT.
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    Watch this video then share it

    This guy's testimony will be hushed away by the leftists.
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    New York Restisance over New Laws, They're PIST !!

    These men wish that NYC and LI would form their own state.
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    Concealed Carry Reciprocity

    We have had a few bank robberies and a few murders, but they are very rare. VT is relatively crime-free.
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    Dr on ballistics, 6 of 7 vicitims survive handgun shooting.

    I shoot two to the chest and one to the nose. Body armor is more common these days.
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    Lets see your Glocks

    Nice collection.:winner_second_h4h:
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    Glock 23 I picked up last week....

    Well-designed bullet, for sure.
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    Put some thick skateboard tape my my 27. It gets wet

    I have a rubber grip around my G17. It works well.
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    Xgrip testing

    Just what is an X grip?
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    Part 2

    Nice video!
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    After about 60-65 rds thru it...

    What is the point here?
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    Post Ban Mag Pics

    It is weird how LEO needs hi-caps but civilians do not. I am just as likely to be faced with four muggers as a cop is.
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    Glock 19 KCI 15rd Mags $12.95

    Another good result of the Korean War - cheap, yet functional Glock 17 magazines.
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    My Under The Pillow Piece

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    Glock 9mm +P and +P+

    I CCW with my G17 with WW 9mm 115gr JHP +p+ loads here in VT.
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    Favorite Handgun?

    My 24/7 CCW gun - the Glock Model 17.