Beard question.


Full Access Member
I'm looking for some opinions here. I'd be especially interested in opinions from law enforcement officers and other people in the criminal justice system.

I am scheduled for a court appearance that I consider pretty serious (3 misdemeanors of varying degrees). I'm not getting into the details as of yet.

My question is do you think people in that line of work IE judges, LEOs, etc. look at someone differently because they have a beard or do you think they are professional enough to simply hear the facts of the case and not be swayed by the defendants personal appearance? I am 34 and an engineer, I never in a million years thought I would be in this position especially after having been an MP for 9 years before my current line of work.

Honest feedback is appreciated as this could be a semi life changing experience.


Full Access Member
Clean it up. Other than that unless you'll have a jury (really doubt it). It shouldn't matter much as long as it's clean.



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Clean. Doesn't necessarily have to be shaven, but definitely trimmed up and looking nice and clean. It may not help, but it can't hurt.


New member
I agree with clean it up.

Example...I was 19 years old, and I was with some friends who were drinking. We were all on the bluffs of the Mississippi, and the county sheriff was called one us by boaters, as we were trespassing (we didn't know that). So, I was not drinking...scared my dad would whoop my ass if I did. However, I was charged with illegal consumption by possession.
Went to see the judge with the 3 other guys. I wore dockers, dress shirt and tie. The other fellas were wore Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, etc...
This was my first offense. The judge said "so which one of you is Mr. Smith?" I stepped up and said "I am, sir." he looked up, gave me a once over, and said, "all charges dropped, Mr. Smith. Don't let me see you back here, and have a good day." the other guys got community service, even though it was there first offenses as well.
So, at the end of the day, perception is reality...that don't make it right, but it is what it is.


Full Access Member
Although tattoos, facial hair and piercing are more accepted these days it will always benefit you to be presentable in situations like this. I always say never judge a book by its cover but first impressions are hard to overcome. Good luck


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Clean it up:



Full Access Member

I've heard enough to know now that I will probably shave it all completely off.


New member
Before my Pappy departed this cruel world, he gave me a few words of advice:
"Sympathy, it's in the dictionary between shit & syphilis"
"Don't cultivate on your face with what grows wild around your asshole"

I agree with Jamal, look nice and respectable. Judges/Magistrates see right through the candy coating. Look respectable, but not overdone. Good Luck!


Full Access Member
I always wear a beard, not a long one, and I keep it well groomed, but I'm pretty much permanently bearded.

If I were in your shoes I would shave mine off and would most definitely be in a suit and tie. Appearances go a long way in a courtroom.


Full Access Member
Shave and hair cut. Jacket and tie

What he said.

Shave and a fresh haircut.
nice clothes.

Dont be afraid to wear a suit.
if you dont own one buy one.

Its a court appearnce.

Even tho many now think its cool to underdress but a court appearance for anything other than a minor traffic ticket warrants a suit and tie, togetehr fresh haircut nothing less.

Unless you make your living in a way where your beard is a necessity, ( like an actor in a bearded role) shave the beard.


Full Access Member
What he said.

Shave and a fresh haircut.
nice clothes.

Dont be afraid to wear a suit.
if you dont own one buy one.

Its a court appearnce.

Even tho many now think its cool to underdress but a court appearance for anything other than a minor traffic ticket warrants a suit and tie, togetehr fresh haircut nothing less.

Unless you make your living in a way where your beard is a necessity, ( like an actor in a bearded role) shave the beard.

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