Gun Storage in Zippered Carrying Case???


Super Moderator
So I've pretty much outgrown my gun safe. I use 1 half for shelving for my ammo storage, and a shelf for other important paperwork, harddrive back up drives, jewerly and other valuables I wouldn't want lost in a fire.

It'll be quite sometime before I'm able to buy another gun safe, either another to add to the one I have, or buy a bigger one, but even if I bought a bigger one, all it will do is probably hold what I have now and no room to grow. Chances are I'd just buy another one the same size I have now since I've already got the shelving alotted for ammo then the 2nd one will give plenty of room to grow.

As it is now, I've noticed some of my rifles are getting scratched up and dinged up, likely from being taken in and out and it being so crowded. I've got Allen carrying cases for most of my guns. I'm thinking of just keeping my rifles in their carrying cases, remove the divider shelf in the safe, and just let put thiem in the safe on thier buttstocks in the cases, this way they don't get damaged. :hunter:

I've been told it's not good to store your guns in zippered cloth or vinyl gun cases, that they can't breathe and will rust? How true is this? What if I put a Silica pouch in each each case with the rifle? :shrug:

Any other suggestions?


Full Access Member
I store all ammo in a foot locker that can be hidden or moved if I want. Most ammo going with when I bug out. Ammo in safe would leave no room for guns. Humidifier in safe.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
i would not have a problem doing this myself. I do not think that it will do anything bad to it as long as the tempature is not high, as long as in a cool envirmdent ur ok... I only have a few long guns but I keep them that way. Jmho


Super Moderator
i would not have a problem doing this myself. I do not think that it will do anything bad to it as long as the tempature is not high, as long as in a cool envirmdent ur ok... I only have a few long guns but I keep them that way. Jmho

Mine should be fine. My safe is bolted down inside my home office, so whatever temp the house is, my office is.


Super Moderator
I store all ammo in a foot locker that can be hidden or moved if I want. Most ammo going with when I bug out. Ammo in safe would leave no room for guns. Humidifier in safe.

I've prolly got real close to over 2000 rds of ammo. I'd to see it stolen or worse burnt up in a fire. I fear my house catching fire more than I do thieves but still, I"d sure prefer to keep the ammo locked up to in a fireproof box of some sort. Maybe I should just get a smaller safe for ammo, then I can use the whole gun safe for guns.

hmmm, brainfart !!! Mabye I could just build a fireproof box for my ammo. I bet I can do that cheap. Two 5/8 sheets of drywall doubled up give you a 1 hour firewall, and Three 5/8 sheets gives you 2 hours. Maybe I need to try some testing.

Mine is stored in a zippered case

Cool, I think I'll go for it and do this route for awhile and check them frequently. It didn't make much sense to me when I was told that's a no no that your guns will sweat and rust.


Full Access Member
I have a 1.38 cubic foot safe like concealed 27 posted above that I use to store some of my ammo. It will hold well over 2000 rounds of ammo. The rest is stored in ammo boxes.


Super Moderator
I hope you mean dehumidifier.

:bowroflwerd6: I was certain that's what he meant. I don't have a dehumidifer in mine, but I do keep a gauge in there, and I do keep Silica packs laying on the shelves and floor. It keeps my safe in the DRY range.


Super Moderator
Mine is hanging in the closet, haven't noticed any sweating

This does give me an idea. I'm going to look at measurements, and see about hooks in the bottom of the top shelf that goes all the way across the top where I keep my handguns. Maybe I hang my cases and have space on the floor of the safe for ammo, and back up drivers etc.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
This does give me an idea. I'm going to look at measurements, and see about hooks in the bottom of the top shelf that goes all the way across the top where I keep my handguns. Maybe I hang my cases and have space on the floor of the safe for ammo, and back up drivers etc.

I would try to keep mine on a door rack and keep the pistol boxes outta the safe, all the paperwork in safe so no need to waste room with case...Whatya think..


Super Moderator
I'm think I need to buy another safe. Either a smaller ammo only safe, or another one the size I have now, or maybe even a bigger and better one than I have now. But damn, I'm barely squeeking by, and I want to get a few more guns before any possible ban might hit. I'm thinking this ban isn't going to happen, but it sure makes for a good excuse to just have to go out and buy more guns don't it? Although, I REFUSE to pay gouge prices.

A girl I know in AZ, decided FINALLY she wanted a gun. She got her head taken off on S&W Shield 9mm for $589.00 + tx at a local gun store this past weekend. Fuggin retail is $449.00 at the S&W site, and I can buy it here at Academy for $399.00. Just that I have to get there first thing Mon, Wed or Friday morning or they'll be sold out by Noon. I like Academy right now. They are not gouging anyone and even selling guns below Suggested Retail in most cases. Glocks $529 for Gen3 9mm, .40 and .357Sigs, S&W SD's are $299. Shield $399.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Another safe would not ever hurt ya. You can use any extra space for other important stuff, beats going to the safety deposit box for any other paperwork.....but I feel ya on the guns, I'm trying to save I should be able to get another pistol and another shotgun..


Super Moderator
There is no chance in hell someone is picking mine up and walking off

Bolted down, I don't worry either, so maybe I should get another the same size. I know I'll need to move them someday.

Another safe would not ever hurt ya. You can use any extra space for other important stuff, beats going to the safety deposit box for any other paperwork.....but I feel ya on the guns, I'm trying to save I should be able to get another pistol and another shotgun..

That's a fact. When I bought this one over 10 years ago, I thought it was plenty big enough and I'd never out grow it. That didn't take long. Amazing what all finds a home in the gun safe when you get one. Photo Albums, Hard drive back ups, legal docs, spare keys, narcotic perscriptions, medical recoreds and films etc. I've moved alot of that out of there now though and still need more space without tearing up the guns. Scratching, dinging and scuffing them up. Pissin me off.

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