What you’ll see in the rebellion


Written By: Bob - Dec• 28•12

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.

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I for one hope that it never comes to this, but it does get you thinking. On what side of that line do you see yourself falling on. Do you outright kill your friends and neighbors because your job is directed by the President or do you join the resistance. If your a Gun Grabber and this starts to go down, where do you find yourself and what do you do. Can you imagine the conflicts in that persons head... WOW



Full Access Member
If your a Gun Grabber and this starts to go down, where do you find yourself and what do you do. Can you imagine the conflicts in that persons head... WOW
No conflict - it will still be your fault they have to do that, and besides, they are the elite, so they have the right to the scary guns. It won't even cross their minds that they are hypocrites, because in their world, they aren't.
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Super Moderator
I've been listening to some talk shows that have talked about this. They've actually had police and military call into the shows and say they will not go against the Constitution. They swore an oath to protect the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Many are seeing our current Government as a domestic enemy.

Yes there will always be the gun hoe one's that follow every order to the Nth degree. Hopefully they will quickly see the light or walk into it. There is an organization called Oath Keepers for police and military to join reaffirming their oath to protect the Constitution.

If anyone comes for our guns I don't think it will be our military and it certainly won't be Dianne Feinstein herself. You think she's gonna break a nail trying to take your gun? It may be UN or foreign troops brought in to do the dirty work. But if they do that I think our police and military will side with the people and they shouldn't get very far. They may try SWAT until they catch on to what's going on.

It's ridiculous that they are using the momentum from Sandy Hook to continue with gun control (assault weapons) when the AR (last I heard) wasn't even used in this horrific incident. Some are speculating that SH was a Gov. Operation. How, I don't know but they have brought up some interesting questions. No video? Not one survivor? Not one witness? How often does that happen?
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