Young boy who killed neo-nazi dad to be sentenced

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
A California judge ruled Thursday that a 13-year-old boy who was 10 when he killed his neo-Nazi father will spend at least the next seven years in a state juvenile facility.

Judge Jean R. Leonard said the maximum the boy can serve would be until he is 23. He'll be eligible for parole in seven years.

The decision came after prosecutors and defense attorneys argued for months about the best placement to assure his safety and rehabilitation.

The judge said she had spent a long time considering the case and decided it was proper to commit the boy to the California Division of Juvenile Justice.

"This is an individual with exceptional needs," she said.

The judge said the boy is currently being treated with psychotropic medications and she authorized that to continue for 60 days until he is reevaluated.

While the judge noted that the sentence for the murder of his father would be 40 years to life if he was an adult, the prosecutor said outside court that the boy cannot serve that long because he is a juvenile.

His attorneys said the boy was severely abused and has serious emotional and learning disabilities from a brutal and twisted childhood.

"A brutal and twisted childhood"...I'm sure it was with some nazi loving father who probably kicked him around with his jack boots and made him read Mein Kampf as homework.


Full Access Member
He will be perfect when he gets out.May have done the world a favor but he has destroyed his emotional self. He will never be normal.


Full Access Member
Oh, I agree with that, He probably would have been better off turning the gun on himself. He'll surely come out of the American justice system better off....(thick sarcasm)


Full Access Member
Normal is not being a complete asshole and actually having some compassion and understanding for things/people that are different than you.


Full Access Member
Normal is not being a complete asshole and actually having some compassion and understanding for things/people that are different than you.

Now that is about the best definition of "Normal" than I have ever heard, or, in this case, read.


Full Access Member
So you have to be taught normal ! STF that is a good start. What do our youth have as examples the clinton ,obamas other no moral standing people.


Full Access Member
My daughter has me as an example. That's all she's needed so far. She knows all the dumb asses on TV aren't the people to look up to. And she sure as hell knows it's not the politicians.

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