

Full Access Member
Yep that is what Hitler said to his people relax I'm here to help. When they come for your guns you will wounder what went wrong.

That comment is so far off the line of discussion, I don't even know how to respond.

Where in this thread has anyone mentioned gun grabbing politicians?

Or maybe it's a band of teenagers going house to house confiscating firearms?

How is the above statement even relevant?

ninja man

Full Access Member
Your a Ford Guy, I'm a Dodge Guy, we get along..... LOL :ryu-cvs-hadoken-a:
haha, yeah but trucks are a bit different. when it comes to life choices and how kids are being raised, i offend the majority. even my friends dont want to hear what i have to say because i am so harsh and my views are so narrow.


Full Access Member


haha, yeah but trucks are a bit different. when it comes to life choices and how kids are being raised, i offend the majority. even my friends dont want to hear what i have to say because i am so harsh and my views are so narrow.

My Dad had narrow views and was harsh, it has served me well


Full Access Member
Op post was why our kids are doing the things they are doing. I said it is because our society is just relaxing instead of being diligent.Kids are a reflection of their parents,may be 180% different but reflection.So just relax and watch the ussa involve.


Full Access Member
Op post was why our kids are doing the things they are doing. I said it is because our society is just relaxing instead of being diligent.Kids are a reflection of their parents,may be 180% different but reflection.So just relax and watch the ussa involve.

That is exactly what I'm saying. You can sit on your hands, piss and moan and do nothing. OR you can get off your ass and help hold the line.
You are part of "our society" and YOU can make a difference. The problem is that everyone expects someone else to take care of the problems, or blames "them" for the degradation that "they" cause. It's easy not to take any responsibility, that way you can blame everyone else.
Paraphrasing here but. "All it takes for bad things to happen is for good men to do nothing."
My parents were strict, and taught me honor and respect. My father taught me that there is no shame in fighting for a "lost cause" He also said that you can either stand up and be heard, or you can sit down and shut the F up.
I choose the former.

I'm not saying that there aren't problems today, I'm not saying that all young people are angels. I'm just saying that if we step back and gain a little perspective we can find the issues that can be worked on. Then, instead of complaining we can get to work.

I guess some are just happy to bitch and complain instead of getting up and getting their hands dirty. But when the proverbial shit hits the fans, we all end up covered in crap.
But hey,as long as we can accuse someone else, we are OK. If you don't take a little responsibility you don't have to take any blame, right?

......sounds just like the "kids" everyone is bemoaning.

Maybe since I'm "only" 40 years old, I have not grown into a proper curmudgeon yet. I hope I never do. Although my father lived to 75 and he never did, so maybe I have good DNA in that area.


Full Access Member
Proud to be a tea party asshole. Irascible curmudgeon.My father was democrat till he died.He would not have voted for ostupid though.


Full Access Member
OK, so apparently you would rather sit in the dark than change the lightbulb.

America thanks you for your apathy.

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Full Access Member
What the fuck are you talking about.I changed the bulb when I got back from South East Asia in 1970. We are waiting for the younger men to get their shit together.If its dark were I am its because I have night vision on.

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