White House chase and shooting

ninja man

Full Access Member
I hope the Leos OK

ok, this is where i have to disagree with you. if he is driving wreckless like that, then he deserves every bit of pain and suffering. its one thing to be in an active chase, but clearly he was not. why dont the cops shoot at him? he just rammed a barricade. the only difference was that lady driving didnt have flashing lights or a badge. either way, he was driving well beyond his limits. and to think they give him a gun.......yet they are worried about us with guns........

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Agreed, I just don't like to see anyone get hurt,but your right he deserves it if he did,I'm not disputing that......it was an accident and he should be punished just like a citizen should....


Full Access Member
maybe he thought the barrier would pull off to the side because he had siren and lights on.

What an idiot. The simple fact that he was driving that fast on crowded urban streets is stupid, even if he is responding to a call with his blues and tunes going.
At the speed he was driving there would have been no time for a pedestrian to get of the street even if they did hear the siren.

I hope he isn't hurt too bad, the public shouldn't have to pay his disability for the next 20 years.

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