Well Isn't This Special


Full Access Member
superstitions are a far reach. Most religions have some factual bases. This country was founded on God The Father of Jesus. When He is gone so are this country's principles.


Full Access Member
Yeah, so once again your beliefs are "better" than theirs...

This country was founded with an idea that each man should make up his own mind when it comes to religion. Remember that many people came here to escape the religious persecution in Europe.

We can debate theology and semantics all day. But basically it breaks down to this...

Having religious beliefs is like having a penis. It's OK to have one, and it's OK to be proud of it. But it's not OK to run around trying to ram it down everyone's throat.


Full Access Member
Nope, being agnostic means I have no real religion to push on anyone. I don't really care to whom anyone prays, or how they go about it. As long as it doesn't harm anyone else, it's fine with me.

It's all about freedom.
I keep seeing your posts about Jesus and the Bible. Isn't one of the main tenants of the good book to "live and let live"?


Full Access Member
Agnostics have made their religion play a large part in out country and all to the determent of it. JMO


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Agnotic- n- a person who holds that whether God exists is not known and probably cannot be known.

Religion does not hold a monopoly on morals. There are many people that give to charity, volunteer to help the less fortunate, live an honorable life, love their families, respect others, and generally contribute great things to society. All without the need to believe that they will be rewarded for their good deeds, or punished for their transgressions; by some deity in the afterlife.


Full Access Member
Ya like george soros, muslins and some other good people. Deeds do not make you good.Faith in a god does not make you good .Just Faith in The Only One.


Super Moderator
OK fellas, I appreciate you keeping this civil so far but I think this has run it's coarse. Let agree to disagree and move on.


Full Access Member
Roger that.
I guess we will have to wait and see what happens after we leave this world.

We may all be in hell, or we may all be in paradise...either way, I'll buy the first round of drinks:happy160:

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