Unpaid student loans

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Unpaid student loans reach all-time high in US:

An all-time high number of student loans in the U.S. are late or unpaid, reports a presumably perturbed Department of Education. Given that almost a third of 20- to 24-year-olds are unemployed, that's not exactly surprising. But also given that unpaid student loans total $1 trillion right now, there's some reason for chagrin. That puts student loans in the No.2 spot of consumer debt, right after home mortgages. And a recent study from Fidelity found that 70 percent of the Class of 2013 is graduating with college-related debt, to the average tune of $35,200. Whew. So ... congrats, grads?

Hard to pay back that loan flipping burgers or working at the mall part-time.


Full Access Member
Ya and I believe I heard that even bankruptcy will not get you out of them.Just another gov.control method.


Full Access Member
I have a little debt in the college loan dept. that I had to put on deferred for many years until I started making enough money to actually pay them. I'm sure many people defer them as long as they can and then either forget about them OR don't ever intend to pay them at all.


Full Access Member
I know a lot of people that never went to college and started their own businesses and are actually better off than those with college degrees,

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I know a lot of people that never went to college and started their own businesses and are actually better off than those with college degrees,

If you have a talent and can get paid for it that's great... Look at alot of the hoster websites, guys get paid and its fun to build anything. I bet most of those guys don't have a Bachlors Degree.JMHO

Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Hated school. Didn't go to college. Still ended up as a computer programmer for IBM. When the atmosphere there went bad I started my own business and have been self employed for 17 years. I'm certainly not rich but we do OK.


Full Access Member
Paid off my bachelor's several years ago :)
Just have a little left on my wife's bachelor's :)
Just finished my master's without borrowing anything :)

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Here is a brilliant idea..how about no more student loans until that $1 trillion is paid back. For I'm sure there are alot of deadbeaters that have no shame or desire to pay back their loan. You say..hey that won't be fair to the ones who apply now. I say too bad..I want that $1 trillion paid back to the ones who foot the bill..the U.S. taxpayers that's who. For I can see that debt climbing to another trillion in ten years or less.

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