Obama loves all the illegals that make it across the border because he knows that's a vote for him and the illeagals know they will receive benifets, especially the pregos that drop the Mexicans in our hospitals that give them instant us citizenship. Makes me sick to my stomach, impeach Obama. I or any other Rebublican could run the country better than him. But all he's worried about is the NSA leaker and he can't even get Hong Kong, Russia,or China to help him...... I wonder why,cause he's a dumb ass maybe.
JMHO and i really don't care if the Government is tracking what I say cause I really don't give a crap if they are, my 2nd amendment rights are trying to be violated and that is not what our founding fathers wanted..... we have the right to bear arms and they will take them `from my cold dead hands`...... I believe that a civil war is on way and i would be happy to fire the first shot.......:biggun:
Concealed 27