The smart rifle is finally here

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Wow, that is amazing thanks for sharing.... the guys in Texas know what's up for sure, I recently found out a buddy of mine is getting married he lives there, maybe I will be able to meet a few of our members who call that big ol state home.....
Concealed 27

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Would have ended alot quicker that's for sure, take out hiltler no problem..... Im sure that our military will be using them in the near future, I'm sure that they were planning on a government contract.....


Full Access Member
No more job security for our snipers! Next step is drones that control themselves and take action against criminals or people they think are bad guys.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Very nice and not a bad price for the weapon you get,10,000 I s a lot of cash but worth it to m e if you have the cash,thanks for the link....
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
There they go taking the skill out of precision shooting.

Cars that drive themselves, guns that can't miss. What else will they come up with?


Full Access Member
Beer drinking robots would be the last straw. Unless they were eating all the illegals and pissing gasoline.

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