The Huffington Post Embarrasses Itself


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Lets see ,have we been sold the old divide and concur routine ? Red, yellow, black and white we are all criminals in the governments sight. It is called guilty until proven incent. Are we missing something here? Federal government has been a criminal organization sense 1963 , give or take a few hundred years.
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HuffPo: 2nd Amendment Is Racist Because Blacks Kill Each Other With Guns

If you think that black people killing each other with illegally obtained firearms shows how racist the 2nd Amendment is, you are definitely in The Huffington Post’s key demo. The liberal pseudo news source posted an article today arguing that black-on-black violence shows the inequality of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Jacob Schuman is a criminal defense attorney so he knows a thing or two about deflecting blame and absolving personal responsibility. In The Equality Argument For Gun Control he complains that efforts to restrict our gun ownership rights have largely failed. Not to fear, he offers up a new solution liberals can employ to disarm America:

Yet there exists an opportunity to shift the debate — not by abandoning the safety message, but by tapping into another less obvious, but potentially potent, aspect of gun control: equality.

The fact is, the widespread availability of guns is a significant, but often overlooked, cause of persistent inequality in the United States. Focusing on the relationship between guns and inequality will allow gun control advocates to argue that restricting firearm access is an essential step towards achieving social justice and economic empowerment.

I know it must be killing you to know how exactly the 2nd Amendment is a racist driver of social inequality. Without further ado, like this:

The first way that guns drive inequality is by making life more violent and less stable for people living in economically disadvantaged communities. Crime rates, especially violent crime rates, are higher in poorer neighborhoods. While this is true across the world, and is likely to remain so, open access to firearms in the United States makes these crimes easier to commit, more lethal, and more destructive of community life.

Most people think of violent crime as the result of poverty, but in fact it is also a cause…For residents of these neighborhoods, who are striving to make ends meet and improve their economic lot, the chaos and destruction wrought by gun violence is an enormous obstacle. And it is one that richer communities do not have to face.

Given the racial aspect of socio-economic inequality in the United States, the negative impact of gun violence is borne especially by minority communities.

Gun violence, in short, is a structural impediment to true equality for high-crime, low-income areas.

Scumbags that steal or illegally purchase guns to commit crimes are not exercising a Constitutional right: they are breaking the law. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t guarantee the right to gun down people for being in the wrong neighborhood, and in fact there are several laws against assault and murder.

And if that’s not bad enough, Schuman also points out a complete falsehood to bolster his argument:

Second, guns place marginalized communities in constant fear of mass shootings…These groups are targeted precisely because they are vulnerable, and yet, since they often lack the political power to enact meaningful gun control restrictions, they are left defenseless.

The sad reality is that hateful, violent minds will inevitably latch onto our culture’s latent bigotries — racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and so forth — and then lash out at those perennially disfavored groups. While this danger is likely to endure, the easy availability of firearms makes such hate crimes far more deadly and far more frightening.

Black Americans cannot truly be free if they cannot even feel safe praying in church, lest a maniac gun them down. Nor can Jewish Americans feel fully secure so long as they must pass through metal detectors on their way into synagogue, to protect them from an armed fanatic.

I can name one mass shooting where blacks were the intended targets. How does this put “marginalized communities” in constant danger of a mass shooting? Most of these rampages happen in white suburban “gun-free” zones with white people being the overwhelming victims.

And in conclusion, f*ck the Constitution:

If we allow the gun control debate to continue solely as a conflict between the freedom to own a weapon and the danger that firearms pose, we obscure an important truth — the danger presented by gun violence is not distributed equally in our society. Low-income communities and minority groups bear a unique burden in the form of neighborhood gun violence and the threat of mass shootings.

This lunatic’s argument is like saying that because black people commit voter fraud; nobody should be allowed to vote. Black criminality is not an excuse to restrict the rights of all law-abiding people. Schuman just “jumped the Sharpton” by playing the race card in the gun control debate. Can’t argue the facts? Just scream “racism” and be done with it.

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