Sorry been a little busy . . .


Active member
Hey guys I am sorry that I have been a little distant lately on the forum, but I have a new little girl added to the family recently and I am still going to College so my time has been a little funny. I am going to make a commitment to be more active in the forum and since I have received a new "Promotion" I would like to ask the active members, what do you want to see added to the forum to make it more active? I would like to see the forum gain new members and grow.

I think that we have some great members right now, but I feel that we could do more and have more interaction with everyone as a whole and really make this place into something that people will turn to for advice and great gear. So, as such, I would like to open the floor to the members suggestions. Do any of you have friends that you would like to add to the forum and increase our family? Do you think we should try to get some local competitions up and running to help promote the togetherness of the forum? What can we do to appeal to the rest of the gun community that we are not just a whim, but a serious group that truly believes in our gun rights and the second amendment?

I like the give away's that we sometimes offer and I don't want to see that go to the way side. I think that if we can offer a more active community that we could have some more activities like that and truly make a real family here. What are your thoughts? How can we resurrect the Weapons Forum and truly make it something that will stand the test of time and be a useful resource to all that come to our doors?


Full Access Member
I don't really have any suggestions at the moment. Just wanted to congratulate you (and mom) on the new daughter.:party28:

I'll post up suggestions as I think of them.


Full Access Member
I don't have any great ideas at the moment but congrats on your daughter!!! :D


Full Access Member
You just thought you were busy. Grand parents make great helpers if close. Great looking child how is mom?


Active member
Mom is still recovering, and very tired apparently. She is having small meltdowns every once in a while, but I am doing what I can to help her out. Just got home from work and helped to feed baby as she passed out.


Full Access Member
My wife found nursing baby gave her much more peace and helped the baby. I think she is trying to ween me.

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