sad day 4me

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
14 years ago tonight I lost the love of my life. She never treated me wrong but was in the wrong crowd. I dropped her off at a shady house after a night out for St. Pattrick's day. That was the last time I saw here alive. I got a phone call at work telling me I need to come over but no reason. As I arrived I saw the fire trucks paramedics and the sheriffs office. They were searching the house and all they would tell me is that she had a heart attack in her sleep due to a drug overdose. Took everything I had not to go back to her house and shoot the drug addicts that were there. The sheriff's office e was searching the house that was full of prescription drugs and they told my she overdosed on something and they
We're trying to figure out on what. I told her I didn't want to drop her off there but she insisted. I hate when I'm right. I miss her dearly but I've moved on cause that what she would want, but what a shame to lose the girl that completed me. My girl now is gonna spend the day together tomorrow cause she knows how much she meant to me.... Please say a prayer for Tanya guys and thanks for your support....God Bless You, Jeffrey (aka) Concealed 27
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Active member
Sorry to hear of your loss, even though it was so long ago I feel your pain because I too lost someone that meant a lot to me to lung cancer. She was not in the drug arena, but she was also in a very bad situation and it cost her everything.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Thanks for your kind comments they mean alot to me, alot of sensitive gentleman on this site.....Thank you again, Jeffrey
Concealed 27

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