rock island shotgun

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Anyone here familer with rock island m5 shotgun?? Just wondering cause the price is right and i like the looks of it for two bills but if its not worth that let me know...TX in advance guys.....Concealed 27

ninja man

Full Access Member
i cant say anything for their rifles or shotguns, but i was just in a gun shop a couple days ago. apparently rock island is a fillipino company. they actually bought colts machines for the 1911 and use them to produce their 1911. the guys at the shop said there have not been any complaints about their guns. if the price is right and the quality is good, then go for it. and let us know how it works. i am thinking of a 12ga as well. i was going to go with the reputation of the 870, or mossberg, but if this is a good alternative, i may be interested.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeah I think I'm still thinking bout it, if i don't like it I can always sell it and at least get my cash back thru a private sale. Funds are low this month so will see how I feel bout it next month when cash is available...will let you guys know what I end up doing.....Concealed 27

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