Riots in Baltimore

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Once again thugs and looters are free to roam to rob and destroy and injure law enforcement officers at will..I blame it on the new "entitlement society" who think they are owed something and they can take what they want without fear of reprisal. This has nothing to do with what happened to Freddie Gray but a "opened invitation" to riot and steal from the community. That Baltimore mayor in my opinion lacks any leadership and responded too late...she needs to resign and go back to her ghetto neighborhood and take a hard look once again.

Plus what's the use of law enforcement or the National Guard to stand around and watch it all happened..I say issue orders for a curfew and arrest all who fail to obey and it might sound extreme but have the authority to shoot looters on sight.


Full Access Member
We give them free housing, food,electricity ,school and health care . What else can we give them???? Lets just hope it does not spread!


Super Moderator
Her comment about giving them room to destroy was an open invitation to do so. Yes, she does need to resign and take whoever is advising her in this situation with her. The looting and setting fire to innocent businesses that had absolutely nothing to do with what happened Freddie Gray is beyond me. I just don't understand the mentality. They're acting like rabid animals. Now then, what do you do with a rabid animal?


Full Access Member
Looting is bad enough but anyone throwing rocks/bricks or setting fires should absolutely be shot, no special orders needed. Just let the LEO's do their job and quit tying their hands.


Full Access Member
Would a reasonable person fear great bodily harm or death if a mob was throwing bricks at them?

Yes = BANG

Would a reasonable person fear great bodily harm or death if the building they are in is being set fire to?

Yes = BANG

Does facing a violent mob equal a disparity in force?

Yes = BANG

Is Baltimore PD short on ammo or what? If so, I will gladly pitch in and send them some.


Full Access Member
They did not want to shoot children. Lets be glad they weren't the tuties or the huntas children armies of africa.They were such nice kids,they all looked like little obamas.


Active member
If the Police Department opened fire on the crowd already in riot conditions, justified or not, it would only have made things that much worse with all the scandal going on in police departments everywhere. Ferguson opened a door for this type of action and now its getting out of control. I am wondering how much more Obuttmer will need to activate his paramilitary force, Homeland Security, and get them out on the streets with military weapons and up-armored vehicles. You know its coming and hell with what is going on I am surprised that he hasn't done it already.


Full Access Member

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
The Baltimore mayor fired her police chief yesterday, saying "we need a change". Personally she needs to go also..her lack of understanding the situation, slow to respond with force, which some say the riots were preventable and lack of real leadership under fire. Plus homicides are up 48% over last year. But what do you expect from a city that has been under Democrat controlled for decades.

Baltimore mayor fires police chief - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

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