
Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Here is a poster I saw and I liked it so I thought I would share it

Learn from the people that
have walked the path before you...
RESPECT them because someday
Sooner than you could ever imagine
You are going to be OLD TOO.......


Super Moderator
This is so true. It's a damn shame the way some of our elders are treated.

Respect is taking in your mother in law into our home 5 years ago after her husband died and the rest of her family abandoned her. She is now 91 years old and only hears from 2 out of her 4 children. My wife and her brother who calls daily and visits a few minutes every other week.
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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I just found out a friend lost her home and is staying in a shelter..... I'm gonna ask her if she wants to stay with me till she can get a job and her life together. Not sure my girl will like it but she's a good friend....
Concealed 27

ninja man

Full Access Member
haha sorry. i had to.

respect is not given. it is earned. whether older or younger, it is your responsibility to show respect, and gain respect. its a two way street and there is no stop sign.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeah, getting older for me has been adventurous at least... I have to go a ear,nose and throat Dr in a few weeks to get a hearing aid.... oh well at least I'm
Concealed 27

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